Chapter 8 - The Tests ⧗

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I peeled open my eyes due to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I turned over to face it as it crept open. I rubbed my eyes as someone walked in. It was Nat.

"Morning! Are you ready to go see Bruce?" she asked. Her hair was brushed and washed still a little damp with a clip pinning it to one side. She was fully dressed even though it was god knows what time.I groaned as my eyes desperately tried to close. It was so early!

"Why are you on the floor?" she questioned, chuckling slightly. 

"I'm more used to it than the bed," I croaked, my voice full of sleep. 

Nat helped me up and led me down the stairs to the lab. I tried to remember how we got there but eventually just forgot the directions completely.

"Good morning Y/N! Nat tells me you want to do some genealogy tests?" he asked.

I shuffled uncomfortably. "Uhh yeah I guess,"I replied as the feeling of anxiety rose up within me forcing my chest to tighten.

"All we have to do is a blood test. It's very quick and won't hurt," Bruce explained as I played with my fingers trying to stay calm. I sighed and nodded, avoiding his eyes.

I collapsed into the chair and held out my arm using all my strength to keep myself sitting in the seat. I felt a sharp prick and a strange sensation as he took my blood; he was done in no time.

"All done!" he exclaimed. "I'll give you the results after breakfast,"

I thanked him and shuffled out the lab following Nat into the kitchen keeping my eyes firmly planted on the marble floor and my fuzzy socks in front of me.

After breakfast, I headed back to the lab with a help of some directions given by Wanda. Nat had to do some work so I had to go alone. I constantly reminded myself everything would be fine as I entered the lab and walked towards Bruce.

"Y/N, we have good news!" he exclaimed smiling and looking at a tablet. "The blood test reveals you are 20 years old. It also shows an unusual DNA mutation which could mean you have more powers than you're aware of," I nodded trying to take in and remember all this information. I heard footsteps and turned to see Tony walking towards us. 

"Ah Newbie! How do you feel about starting training with Wanda? She has similar powers to you and you need to learn how to control them properly," My chest tightened even further as I started to grow a little overwhelmed.

"Erm yeah ok sure," I stuttered, trying to spit out the correct words. I continued fiddling with my fingers just wanting to be out of this conversation.

"Great, you start tomorrow!" Tony proclaimed.

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