Chapter 36 - Go Away

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"What do you mean? What did he do?" Bruce asked as his vision shifted to me once again.

"He's been saying cruel and horrible things to her and he has really hurt and upset her. Now she won't eat," I muttered the last bit as tears welled in my eyes. I fought past them and tried to resume my cold exterior which was slowly crumbling like an old, rusted wall.

"If she doesn't eat, she will not get better or stronger. She trusts you Nat. I'll speak to Steve. If she doesn't eat anything today, bring her back to the lab."

A loud crash interrupted Bruce and echoed around the compound, coming from the kitchen.

"Nat, Bruce, get in here!" Clint yelled.

We ran as fast as we could back to the kitchen.

Y/N was as pale as a ghost and fading fast. She was sprawled across the floor with her eyelids fluttering quickly almost as if she was trying to stay awake.

"I'm fine. I just fell. I just want to go to bed," she whimpered, her voice breaking and cracking after ever syllable.

"Come here Y/N/N. I'll help you," I kneeled down besides her and steadied her as she sat up.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my side as close as I could. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and clasped onto my hands as if I was about to disappear. I wiped her continuous trail of tears away with my thumb as she hung her head in sheer embarrassment.

Slowly, I walked her upstairs making sure she took her time with each step so she wouldn't trip.

"Sorry Nat," she whispered once we were upstairs away from everyone else.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about sweetheart. Come here."

I turned her being careful of her body almost like she was a ragdoll. I wrapped my arms around her pale and thin body. She nestled her head in the neck of my shirt, burying herself inside it. Her cheek rested against my warm skin as her ear leant against my chest as she listened to my gentle heartbeat. Our shaky breaths swam along my skin making me shiver slightly as she began to calm down.

"Don't listen to him. He's an idiot. Bucky will talk to him," I reassured her and soothed her as I ran one hand up and down her back and the other played with her hair.

She pulled away from me so I let go of her giving her a bit of space. She kept a firm hold of my hand though. "I'm going to try and get some sleep," she muttered.

"Ok. I'll be back to make sure you're ok. Give me a shout if you need anything," I said as I curled some stray hairs away from her face and curled them around her ear.

I lowered my head and gently pressed a kiss against her cool forehead. She grinned at me before disappearing into her bedroom.


I collapsed onto my bed and stared at the ceiling allowing myself to drown in my thoughts. Steve's loud harsh voice was the most prominent in my mind as I completely lost myself in the games and tricks of my mind.

Tears slipped down my cheeks once again as everything became too much. The pain in my chest began to return. But it wasn't a physical pain, it was an emotional one. I grabbed at my clothes, pulling at them to try and allow myself to breathe fully and to reduce the pain in my chest as everything started to choke and suffocate me.

A knock at the door interrupted my loud mind.

"Go away," I muttered, not even sure if they had heard me.

The door swung open regardless.

"I just want to talk Y/N," Steve said as he walked in.

His blue eyes stared into me as he tried to hold back a laugh after seeing my broken state.

I turned over so my back was facing him. "Just leave me alone. Please," I begged and whimpered.

Suddenly, his warm hand was rested against my shoulder. "Y/N just let me-"

My body stiffened as flashbacks flooded my brain. I tried to talk. Tell him not to touch me. Because right now, it wasn't Steve touching me. It was the soldiers.

My fists clench as the feeling of adrenaline and energy rush around my body, filling every cell of my body with this strange sense of power. I blast the soldiers as far away from me with the powers until their skin has left mine.

Dizziness completely clouded my vision as fatigue overtook my body.

Everything faded to black.

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