Chapter 39 - It's Ok Darling

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Bucky POV

Me and Nat walked back to the lab in complete silence. I held her hand, trying to comfort her and calm her racing mind.

She waited outside while I went in.

Bruce looked relatively close as he flipped through various folders and paper.

"Is she..." My voice trailed away but Bruce looked up and I could tell he knew what I was asking.

"She's alive. She probably won't wake up for a little while. We have to monitor her heart closely," Bruce explains while Tony goes to get Nat.

My eyes quickly wandered over to Y/N who was still laying motionless on the bed.

"Poor girl," I muttered as tears filled my eyes once again.


I gasped as I saw Y/N. She had wires weaving in and out of her shirt, all different colours. She had an IV in each hand which was connected to other wires, flooding her with various medications. She also had an NG tube laced around her cheeks, going up her little nose. She looked like a machine or failed science experiment.

I raced over to her bed and delicately picked up her hand and held it carefully in my hand, curling her fingers around my hand. Her hand was warm and soft as I kissed her knuckles and rested my forehead against her hand as I clasped it in both hands.

"Oh Y/N. Come on baby! You've got to make it through this. I can't lose you too!" I whimpered as I choked back my tears.

"She's stable for now Nat. She's being tube fed while she's out. The next few hours are crucial. We'll know more when she's awake." Bruce said as Bucky walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. Tony carried a chair over for me so I didn't have to kneel on the floor any longer.

"Can I stay with her?" I teared my eyes away from Y/N for just a second as I looked at Bruce, waiting for his answer.

"Yes, of course Nat!" Bruce replied to which I nodded gratefully and looked back at Y/N.

"I'll come back a bit later to check on you both," Buck said as he left the room but not before squeezing my shoulders gently, once again giving me the sense of subtle comfort which I oh so desperately needed.

Bucky quickly left and a new pair of footsteps entered the lab.

I turned to see who it was and immediately looked away when I saw it was Steve.

His nose was still dripping blood and was slightly crooked as bruises bloomed across his cheeks, eyes and his nose. He glared at me and grinned when he saw Y/N's broken state.

"Ha! Stupid bitch," Steve chuckled as he walked over to Bruce with a sick look of joy.

"Get out Steve! Tony can deal with you next door." Bruce said sternly as he directed Steve out.

"This is such bull!" He exclaimed as Bruce tried to get him out to which Steve was not moving.

"If you don't get out right now, I will finish what I started!" I yelled as I glared at Steve.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Steve mocked with a wimpy tone to tease me further.

I slowly stood up.

Everyone said me going slow was more scary than me moving quickly.

I graced the room as I rested my hand against his chest with a wide grin on my face.

"If you don't leave right now..." I whispered as I made my finger tiptoe up his body towards his neck. Suddenly, I grabbed his neck with my hand and squeezed as tight as I could making him squeak and whimper. "I will fucking kill you!" I said softly and calmly with a little smile as the colour began to leave his face. I pushed him hard so he fell on his back, out of the lab and gasped for breath. I slammed the lab door shut and calmly sat back down next to Y/N.

"It's ok darling. I got rid of him," I spoke to Y/N as I heard Bruce walk around the lab but his eyes never left me.

After a few hours, Bucky arrived holding two trays full of food and bottles of drink for me and Bruce.

Bucky passed me some of the food - a packet of crisps, an apple, a small chocolate bar, an energy bar and a bottle of water and fanta.

"No thanks, Buck." I whispered as I stayed looking at Y/N.

"You need to eat Nat. You can't end up like Y/N." Bucky pleaded as I looked down with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I can't." I sniffed slightly but stayed looking at the floor.

Suddenly, I felt a squeeze of my fingers.

I shot my head up to look at Y/N. Her warm fingers were curled around mine as she gently tightened her grip with each passing second.

"You need to eat Natty," Y/N whispered with a very weak voice and was almost inaudible.

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