Chapter 9 - Grand Theft Auto ⧗

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I shuffled my feet out the lab trying to work out the way back to my room.

I could hear Tony speaking to Bruce as I left. I turned the corner leaving the lab and felt someone's body collide with mine.

"Oh, sorry." I muttered quite startled not expecting this. I backed up as I looked at my feet feeling my chest tighten even more. I reminded myself to keep breathing as I tried to contain the monster of anxiety lurking within me. 

"It's cool! Are you ok? You look stressed." I looked up to see Peter's sweet face and smile. 

"Yeah. I'm ok thanks," I replied, shooting him a quick smile.

"Do you want to come watch Star Wars with me?" I pondered trying to think of a suitable answer.

What was Star Wars? I racked my brain trying to come up with any feasible answer but failing. I replied the obvious answer. "What's that?"

"What?" he exclaimed loudly, clearly very shocked that I had no idea what he was on about. "Follow me right now," he half-joked and half-commanded. I followed him to the living room.

I collapsed on the sofa next to him as he rambled about the characters. It was some sort of sci-fi movie. I found the plot hard to follow but I still tried to listen intently on what Peter was saying even though I didn't have a clue. I did feel a sense of comfort listening though.

Listening to someone talk about relatively normal things like a normal person with a normal life would do.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wanda stroll in. She looked around for a second before her eyes landed on us. She smiled and approached the sofa. "Hey guys," she cheeped.

Peter looked up and smiled and I shot her a grin too. "Y/N, Nat told me to come get you and to meet her outside," she continued smiling softly. I pushed myself off the sofa as Peter did the same and we both followed Wanda out. Peter explained the ending to the movie as we went to find Nat. Wanting to be polite, I ummed and uhhed at the right places pretending to listen.

I saw a black car roll down the road before stopping with the window going down simultaneously. I saw Nat in the driver's seat as she called "Hey guys! I stole Tony's car. Get in, let's go shopping" 

We all shook our heads and giggled rolling our eyes at Nat's attempt of grand theft auto and hurried to the car slamming the doors behind us.

"Can I come please, Miss Romanoff?" Peter asked politely and sensibly but still shooting her puppy eyes.

"Of course you can Peter! Get in before Tony notices us," Nat chuckled as Peter climbed into the back sitting next to me. He smiled brightly, quite childlike. I dazed out the window seeing all the streets fly past.

"So, Y/N where should we go first?" I turned to Nat and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, I've never been shopping before," I felt blush fill my cheeks as I looked at her. Why were they all so nice to me? I thought before quickly discarding it not wanting them to see me cry.

"Never?" Peter questioned. I smiled at his naivety, he had no clue what happened in the Red Room, did he?

I could see Wanda smiling her beautiful grin as per usual in the rear view mirror. "This is going to be so fun," she squealed.

I grinned. Smiling a genuine smile for the first time in a while. I turned my attention back to my window.

"I'm so excited," I muttered, quiet enough that no one heard me but loud enough for it to be true.

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