Chapter 10 - "Ready to comply," ⧗

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Just a quick note, I'm going to start adding a question at the end of each chapter just to get to know you all better. It will be called QOTC (Question Of The Chapter). I will also start adding other characters POVS just to expand the story further. Enjoy!

Before too long, Nat pulled up in front of a huge building. It had several floors with cars surrounding the outside. The air buzzed with the noise of people in frequent conversations. I look up at it in awe never seeing anything like this before. 

"Let's go," Peter trilled, breaking me out of my trance. We left the car, locked it and walked towards the large entrance. I could feel myself getting nervous, I had never seen this many people in one area. 

In the building, shops were dotted around every corner filling the mall completely. People sitting, eating, buying and chatting, people were just everywhere. I stuck close to Nat and Wanda's side not wanting to become lost in the sea of mankind. Everyone weaved in around the crowd, frequently getting bumped into. I tensed up as we walked forward having more arms bashing into my side, tensing every muscle in my body each time. I kept my eyes on the floor, trying to remain calm. I could feel Wanda's eyes looking over at me nervously.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Wanda muttered, not wanting to embarass me.

I looked up at her and smiled quickly before nodding. Keep a hold of yourself I thought to myself, trying to maintain composure. 

Wanda POV

I looked over at Y/N nervously watching her every move. I could hear her frantic breathing as she tried to keep herself calm keeping her eyes glued to the floor. I didn't believe her quick answer at all. And she knew that. Natasha sensing the anxiety Y/N was feeling quickly said "Why don't we go have a look at some clothes, then go get some lunch?" I shot her a smile and mouthed thank you at Nat. She smiled back and we looked towards Y/N waiting for her answer.


I looked up from the floor as we kept walking trying to squeeze through the crowds without any run-ins with the other people. "Please can we go to the lego store after lunch Miss Romanoff?" Peter piped up glancing towards Nat. 

"Yeah if you want too," Nat replied smiling at Peter's eagerness that he was trying to contain. I giggled as I saw Peter's face light up almost like this was the best thing that anyone's said to him.

We spend ages going to different shops, grabbing different items and hurling them into our shopping bags. I had never seen so many different clothes of so many colours of so many patterns. I could feel my anxiety filling me as we walked around but I desperately tried not to show it. I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of Nat, Wanda or Peter.

Eventually, we stopped and grabbed (your favourite food). We all ate happily, savouring every mouthful. "Thanks for bringing me here Nat," I mumbled, breaking the silence finishing the last bit of food. I smiled at her, feeling so grateful.

"You're welcome. I bet you're glad to be out of the Compound for a bit," she replied smiling back as she took a final sip of her drink.

"Yeah, definitely," I replied being at a normal volume as I relaxed.

We pay for the food and leave heading towards the Lego shop. It was bright blue with big red lettering with boxes of lego filling the shelves. Peter ran ahead completely in his element. Nat and Wanda ran ahead to catch up with Peter leaving me stranded in a big crowd separating me from them. Warm breath tickled my ear as a male voice whispered something into it."849183," he whispered gruffly.

A sharp pain shot through my head filling my mind and body. What had he done to me? I could feel Hydra taking control of my body repossessing it as their own. I looked towards the man and said "Ready to comply Sir!"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the little break.

QOTC: Who is your favourite Marvel character and why? 

Mine is definitely Natasha Romanoff.

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