Chapter 14 - Bucky ⧗

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Slowly, I could feel myself coming back around. I could feel someone's warm fingers rubbing my knuckles and a soft pillow underneath my head. I could hear the quite sound of voices but as I became more aware they grew in clarity and volume. My eyes fluttered as I tried to open them. I turned my head and I could see some blurred figures. I kept blinking until everything became clear. Feelings of pain rushed towards me as I became more aware.

I could see Nat right next to me holding my hand and smiling at me as she realised I was coming round. At the end of my bed was Bruce and another figure. A man. I had seen him around the compound before but I didn't know his name. Nat squeezed my hand so glad I was awake.

"Y/N! Thank god you're ok," I stayed looking at her and smiled at her. Nat turned her head, quickly gesturing to Bruce and the other person. "Guys, she's awake," Nat trilled. Bruce walked towards the bed standing next to Nat.

"Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?" Bruce asked. I propped myself with my elbows and sat up, biting my gums to stop myself from screaming in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry," I said, starting to remember what happened. Nat looked at me worriedly probably realising the pain I was trying to hide as Bruce continued to speak.

"You're lucky Bucky caught you! Otherwise you'd have a concussion too."

"Bucky?" I questioned. Was he the figure that Bruce was talking too? The figure started walking towards us.

"Nice to meet you doll," the figure said in a gruff voice. He gave me a little wave and smile. I smiled back at him, trying to hide my uncertainty. Nat squeezed my hand reassuringly, sensing my anxiety.

"I haven't given you any pain medication because I know you can heal yourself, so -" Bruce started to say.

"No, I can't," I said quickly, cutting him off completely. Bruce looked at Nat confused.

"What do you mean? I know you can," Nat said looking at me with confusion tinting her voice.

"Well, I can. But I'm not going to. I hurt you Nat. And Peter. And Wanda too," I replied, looking down as flashbacks flooded my mind. "This is the least I deserve," I continued, still looking down.

Nat picked up both of my hands and raised them towards her face squeezing them softly. "It wasn't your fault Y/N. Don't do this to yourself. You don't deserve this," Nat begged kissing my hands softly as she clasped them together inbetween her own.

"I get it Y/N. I really do. I know the shame and guilt is killing you," Bucky chimed in, rubbing Nat's shoulder. "But I know everyone will feel worse if they know you are suffering," Bucky continued, looking at me.

Tears welled in my eyes and I stayed looking down. "I'm sorry. I can't," I said, trying to hide the stuttering in my voice. "Dr Banner, can i go back to my room?" I asked, wiping my eyes quickly before any tears spill.

He hesitated before saying "You need someone to moniter you,"

"I'll do it," Nat said quickly not letting her eyes leave me.

She took my hands and helped me sit up properly. She wrapped one arm around my waist and the other she used to hold my hand that was over her neck. Slowly, she helped me to my room. She takes care with each step making sure she didn't hurt me.

Eventually, we get to my room.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I loved writing it and I'm so excited to tell the rest of this story. Question of the chapter, what's your favourite Marvel movie? Mine would have to be either Black Widow or The Avengers.

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