Chapter 57 and 58 - So Hot and Makeout

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I look out the window as we get closer to our destination.

A large white building came into view with a sign illuminating all the movies they were showing. The doors were gold and two plant pots sat at the front, guarding the building. I gasped at the sheer size of the building. The doors were at least two metres in length with shiny metallic handles to open the two huge doors. The building had several floors, nearing fifteen as we got closer. 

I tried to hide my excitement but subtle anxiousness so I turned to Nat's grinning face.

"We've not had a proper evening together so I thought a movie then dinner?" I explained as I bit my lip, hoping she liked the idea.

"That's a great idea!" She reassured me and gently cupped my cheeks and kissed as my lips as I felt the car grumble to a stop. "What movie are we going to see you?" Nat asked with a cute little smile.

I grinned and chuckled. "No idea! I've never been to a cinema before! You can choose Natty!" I said as I lifted her hand and intertwined her fingers with my own.

We sat there for a few moments before Happy's loud voice interrupted us.

"Excuse me ladies but I do have to get going, if you would mind..." 

I blushed and Nat laughed. "Come on detka!"

I hurried out the car and we walked in hand in hand as we laughed and grinned.

Nat quickly booked the tickets and we walked in the cinema room. Nat gestured to my red seat and we sat in the back corner with no one next to us.

Nat caressed my knuckles as I fidgeted impatiently, sitting through all the boring adverts. I focused on the soft skin of Natasha to calm myself as we waited.

The lights dimmed before turning off completely and the title of the movie appeared.

"You'll love this movie!" Nat whispered and I smiled.

'We bought a zoo' I read and the movie started.

I focused on the movie and completely lost myself in the plot line as Nat kept my hand in hers the entire time, allowing me to fully relax.

The credits began to roll and the lights turned back on. Everyone shifted out of their seats and me and Nat practically ran out so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. 

The sunlight burned my eyes from being in darkness for so long and we walked to the restaurant swinging our hands as we strolled laughing and discussing the movie.

"That character Kelly Foster was so hot!" I giggled blushing slightly as Nat pointed at my cheeks laughing.

"You've gone bright red!" She teased as I laughed hiding my face in my hands.

"You're so mean!" I chuckled and pushed her hands away.

"She's the person who made me realise I liked women." Nat explained with a smile but was hiding something.

"Oh yeah... and who else helped you with that?" I probed and it was Nat's turn to go bright red.

She whispered something but didn't hear so asked her to repeat herself.

"What baby?" I chuckled as I still couldn't hear her.

"It was Wanda too!" Nat admitted.

I laughed loudly. "Oh my god, I knew it!"

Nat punched my shoulder and we walked into the beautiful restaurant.

It was a large building and had very vintage decor and furniture, like jukeboxes dotted around the room and old movie posters.
It was such a lovely place!

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