Chapter 17 - The Winter Soldier ⧗

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Sorry for the late update, I will try and write more tomorrow. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


I smiled, looking at Y/N lovingly. She was so cute I thought to myself watching her bounce up and down almost like a child. I rolled my eyes playfully, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Come on then! Let's go," I watched her hurry out the room downstairs. I had to jog to keep up with her. What had gotten into her this morning?

Suddenly, she stopped.

I walked back over to her. Her cheeks were red, fists clenched and she looked like she was about to cry. "Hey are you ok?" I ask confused. Her whole playful act had disappeared.

"Yeah," she nodded and began to walk to the kitchen, keeping close to my side.


I felt so embarrassed. Why did I feel the need to suddenly act like a toddler?

God how stupid am I? I hope Nat still likes me. I'm so stupid. God I hate myself!

I walk into the kitchen close by to Nat struggling to keep my invasive thoughts back. I walked into the kitchen with Nat keeping a close eye on me. She looked worried.

Gathered around the kitchen counter was Tony, Bucky, Bruce, Wanda and a woman I had never seen before. Wanda was holding a cup of coffee close to her mouth nuzzling against the warmth of the cup. Tony stood by the kettle making more coffee and they all talked amongst themselves.

Tony heard our footsteps and looked up. "Hey guys! Oh Newbie let me introduce you to Pepper. She's the manager of Stark industries," he announced, gesturing to the woman to his left.

Pepper looked quite nice. She gave me a little wave as Tony passed a cup full of coffee to Pepper. Clouds of steam rolled out off the cups heating everyone's cool fingers. She was quite tall in black heels with a grey dress clinging to her, showing all her curves. Her blonde hair had been pulled up into a bun with her fringe covering her forehead. A brown strapped watch glided up and down her wrist crashing into the black handbag strap that was also swinging about on that wrist.

"Hi Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you!" she exclaimed. She shot Tony a cute smile and looked back at me. I scanned her fingers. Ahh a wedding ring. Tony's wife, perhaps?

I smiled back at her snapping out of my thoughts. "Hi, it's nice to meet you too!" I pulled out a stool from under the counter and sat down. Nat hurried to the kettle and poured us both a coffee. Wanda sat down next to me still sipping on hers. I could feel the heat radiating off her. Wanda was so warm. She was wrapped in a huge fuzzy blanket and I assumed she was wearing her much loved fluffy pajamas. She must have been sweating under all of that not to mention clinging onto a hot coffee cup. I felt Wanda's warm breath tickle my ear as she whispered "Yeah, that's his wife. They also have a kid called Morgan who's five,"

"Ohh," I exclaimed. Nat sat down on the other side of me. She slid a cup towards me. "Thanks," I muttered suddenly feeling shy. 

I turned my head around the room confused. "Where's Peter?" I eventually asked. "Is he ok?"

Tony turned his head to me, seeing my confused expression. "He's fine. He is at school. The others are out on a mission but should be back soon," he explained as I brought the hot drink to my lips. I let it flow around my tongue, burning my gums and throat as I swallowed.

A loud timer beeped causing several of us to jump. "Ooh breakfast is done!" Wanda called, jumping out of her seat excitedly. 

Nat and Pepper helped her serve it and we all tucked in. 

She had only made a full English Breakfast!

Everyone sat down and tucked in, the only noises being heard was constant chewing. I picked at my food awkwardly not wanting to eat anything.

"Y/N when you're feeling better, we're going to start your training ok?" Wanda chirped breaking the silence. I look up at her warm smile. She was always so happy.

"Yeah ok," I nodded, not bothering to show any kind of emotion.

"Barnes will help you when he's not on missions," Tony chipped in, wiping the yolk off his lips with napkin. I moved my attention to Bucky.

"You have powers too?" I asked feeling inquisitive. 

"No doll but Wanda and I have both been under the influence of Hydra. They mind controlled me into the Winter Soldier," he explained kindly.

I froze.

The Winter Soldier?
No way!
He was lying!

I felt every muscle in my body tense up as I stared at him.

"You're-" I stuttered. "You're the Winter Soldier?" I said, spitting out the words.

"I used to be," he replied. 

I could feel everyone's eyes staring at me nervously noticing the tension which had arisen. Nat was staring at me. From the corner of my eye, I could tell she was determining if she should do anything. 

I stared at Bucky in shock. Tears brimmed into my eyes noticeably. I threw my cutlery against the plate and ran out the room wiping my eyes in frustration as I tried to stop myself from screaming in pain.

He was the Winter Soldier!


We all watched Y/N run out the kitchen heading upstairs. She pulled her sleeves down and wiped her face as she ran. We could all hear her whimpering almost like she wanted to scream or shout. 

I turned back and glared at Bucky. 

"What the hell was that about?" I snarled, gritting my teeth. I felt my cheeks blush up in anger. My fists clenched by my side as my fingernails dug into my skin. I tried to keep a grip of my anger. Wanda reached over and held my hand reassuringly. She always knew how to calm me down. 

I took a deep breath keeping a rein on my anger and the desire to punch Bucky. 

"I have no idea," he admitted looking confused. "Let me talk to her," he said. He placed his cutlery neatly next to each other and shuffled out of his seat. He tucked it in and left tracing Y/N's steps as he headed upstairs. Everyone watched as he disappeared out of sight in stunned silence.

"Something bad must have happened for her to react like that," I muttered incoherently.

Hope you enjoyed! I'll write more tomorrow as it is late. Question of the Chapter what's your favourite quote from any Marvel movie?

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