TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S02 Ch02

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--Start S02 Ch02—

Soundwave had gone back to communications after the scuffle they had. Thankfully Megatron's a fucking simp and didn't believe the claims that Soundwave might've betrayed him

Elora: straining in the chains and looks down at Starscream's taser thing You-you going to use it or- or just stand there like... like a coward...?

Calli: How did I get here...?

Steve3: We kidnapped you Autobot.

Calli: More like shot a hole in the side of me-

Starscream puts the taser to the side and instead grabs a metal chain to function as a whip Starscream: Let's try something a little different. Who would like to go first? Not that you really have a say in the matter.

Elora: !!! whisper shit.

Steve10: Commander Starscream, Sir. Shall I grab other energon tasers to keep the others in line while you interrogate one of them?

Starscream: Yes, that will do nicely.

Elora: ...

Calli: Oh god damn it, how long was I out for? Wait- where is my sword-!?

Elora: Calli.... right n-now is not a suitable time for- for asking questions.

Steve10: He left to the nearest closet, and grabbed three Energon Tasers, handing a one to Steve3 and caring two for himself

Starscream: Hmm-Going for the child seems predictable. Let us go for Preceptor first. I always found him annoying.

Perceptor: Please sanitize your hands if you intend to touch me anywhere.

Steve14: brings out a sanitizer

Plasma: I blinked. What the fuck is going on-

Calli: The joys of being taken out by a single shot, smh..

Elora: sighs in relief

Steve3: Eh, what could go wrong? tasers Elora

Calli: Elora!

Elora: Screams in pain !!! S-stop! PLEASE!!! Crying

Steve3: WTF! STEVE10!

Steve10: Slaps Steve3 upside the head Idiot. We are supposed to use these if the prisoners get unruly.

Starscream's face is flushed

Starscream: Y-You!? Ugh! This is why I hate you!

Starscream uses the metal whip to hit Preceptor across his chest before going for his legs

Perceptor: Do your worst, but leave the girl alone.

Steve3: hands Steve10 the taser I'm done here leaves

Steve10: Awkwardly holds three tasers

Elora: breathing weirdly Ehhh...

Steve10: Uh...Commander, there's something wrong with the littlest one.

Calli: You think?

Starscream: On the contrary, I intend to torture her last so she could watch her rescuers being beaten.

Plasma: When I get out of here, I will rip you all up to fucking shreds! And personally. You, Starscream. You fucking bitch. >:((

Calli: Plasma-?

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now