TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch07 (SEASON FINALE)

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--Start S05 Ch07 (SEASON FINALE)--

Calli would be working away inside the lab, slightly unsettled by the amount of Steve's watching her every move

Calli: Do you all have to stare at me like that constantly? It's driving me crazy.

Steve27: Don't mind us, we're just watching you work.

Steve25: I mean she isn't wrong; I would find it creepy.

Calli: Just... keep the noise to a minimum, alright?

Steve25: Will do! Steve25 exclaimed while leaning on a table, but accidentally breaks something

Steve27: This is why we don't let you near machines.

Calli: Are you kidding me? I needed that! Lord Megatron will have my head if I don't get this done! What exactly did you break?

Steve25 pouts

Steve25: I'm sorry...It was just a vial of chemicals.

Calli scans the chemical spill

Calli: Luckily for you, that stuff isn't toxic. Though I did need that-

Calli returns to her work, annoyed by the disruption

Calli: And that... should be it...

Calli holds a module in her hand

Steve 25: What is it?

Calli: That's none of your concern. Seems stable enough...? I best check though-

Callidus runs scans on the module, perfecting any minor faults

Steve 25: I was just asking-It's my job to watch.

Steve 27: More like it's your job to be annoying.

Calli: Both of you, shut up or so help me, you will be my goddamn test subjects!

Steve 27: Calm down pregnant lady.

Calli: Try being in my shoes for one day... Can one of you retrieve Lord Megatron? Tell him that I have a hologram ready for use.

Steve 27: Sure. Steve 27 leaves the room

Calli proceeds to clean up the chemical spill while the Steve is gone

Steve 25 standing there innocently

Steve 25: So, what should I do?

Calli: Let's not mention 25's mistakes, alright...? You can try to make yourself useful. Help me clear up my desk a little. Don't touch the module under the scanner.

Steve 25: Okie dokie!

Megatron comes in

Megatron: I've been informed that you've completed the project.

Calli: Yep... one hologram device.

Calli removes it from the scanner, and shows it to him

Calli: I know this isn't exactly a weapon of mass destruction, but it is just as powerful if you use it well.

Steve 25: So, does the mean we're on lunch break now?

Steve 27: I didn't realize we had a lunch break.

Calli: And those two just... don't shut up. From a theoretical point of view, this one should be fit for use.

Megatron: Could you give me a demonstration?

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