TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch03

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--Start S05 Ch03--

Calli is just working inside of her lab as normal because I don't even know anymore

Calli: Hm, everyone seems to have disappeared again-

Jazz comes behind Calli and wraps his arms around her

Jazz: Surprise!

Calli is startled by jazz's appearance, and freaks out a little

Calli: You really need to stop sneaking up on me when I'm trying to work-

Jazz chuckles

Jazz: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Calli chuckles

Calli: Of course.

Jazz: Watcha working on this time?

Calli: Something I don't expect to even work- I heard about what happened with Elora, and I was honestly wondering if I could figure out a way of sorting out her sight. Like I said, I doubt it'll work.

Jazz: Hmm, it's worth a shot.

Calli: I guess- I was about to head out for a fly, to be honest. There's just something about flying at some insane speed- I don't know what it is, but it tends to calm me down, so...

Jazz: Want me to come with?

Calli: You wouldn't be able to catch up with me- Ya know what? Fuck it, I'm going to Atrion.

Calli opens a space bridge

Jazz: Okay, I guess I'll see you later. Just be careful.

Calli: Am I hearing a slight edge in your voice there...?

Jazz: Well, you are pregnant with my child. So, I think it's reasonable for me to be a little concerned.

Calli: I'm not going beyond the Kosovan Border, I should be safe enough- If you really want to come with, then you can-

Jazz: I trust you Calli. But before you go, give me a hug. Jazz holding his arms out

Calli leans in and hugs Jazz

Calli: If you really want to come, you can- I don't mind.

Jazz hugs Calli back

Jazz: No, that's okay. I don't want to be a bother.

Calli: Your choice. I promise I'll be back by the end of the day, alright?

Jazz nuzzles Calli's nose

Jazz: Okay.

Calli: I'll be back soon, I promise! Calli transforms and flies through the space bridge

Solar: Wait- where's plasma

Plasma: H I

Solar: Ah- there you are.

Plasma: Yeah- I was trying to babysit Ricochet.

Solar: ... That must've been tough

Plasma: He slept through everything.

Solar: Oh- ok.

Plasma: After doing things with Deadend of course-

Solar: Poor Deadend, none of the kids really like him.

Deadend: Just looking all bed raggled and shit- No, they don't. Either they really don't, or they really do.

Wheeljack: It looks like you just got fucked.

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now