TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S03 Ch03

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--Start S03 Ch03--

10 Earth years later

Elora: runs down the stairs Shiiiiiiittttttt, I'm going to be late. Bye dad! Leaves

Optimus: Tired, single Parent noises

Hornet: wailing at the top is her lungs

Ricochet: Kinds just follows that Hornet does and also wails

Wheeljack: Remind me why it was a good idea to have children.

Elora: transformers into a jet and zooms off to school

Suds: Starts putting things in a small sack

Gadget: Hey calli, you doing alright?

Calli: Oh, hey Gadget! I'm doing ok-

Gadget: I was hoping to get to talk to you, you seem to be experiencing joint fatigue, this means you're not going out a lot.

Calli: I've been... otherwise occupied. Fucking hell, I've spent more than a thousand years trying to figure out if Cynia is still alive, only to realize that a normal Atrionian lifespan would have ended by now.

Gadget: Well, she is related to you, it is entirely possible she's out there.

Calli: Atrionians don't normally last more than 2500 years. Only reason I'm still alive is because I was granted my Cybertronian form. In other words, Cynia would have died years ago.

Gadget: Well... I'm sorry... but would you like to check out the new students? Elora, Suds, Scrubs, and Mercy are going to be there.

Calli: And... to be honest Gadget? I'd honestly hoped I'd have found someone else to be with by now. That sounds fun.

Ratchet: picks up Ricochet and comforts him Shhhhhh, I'm here kissing his forehead

Ricochet: :<

Ratchet: I'm here :]

Knockout: Fucking crying My baby is going into Whatever the Cybertronian word for the highest level of being a school kid is

Mercy: I gotta get to class Dad!

--At school--

Elora: arrives at school and sits down at her desk right before the bell rings and sighs of relief

The teacher: Good morning class.

Suds: Kinda just bursts through the window with a grappling hook IM LATEEEE-

The teacher: You're late... again Suds.

Scrubs: Was in class by teleporting with an invention she made

Suds: I- I'm sorry-

The teacher: Go take your seat.

Suds: Sits down

Scrubs: Nudge shoulda used a teleporter

Elora: whispers to Scrubs should I throw this paper at her?

Scrubs: Hell yeah!

Suds: Starts doodling in his book

Elora: chucks a paper ball at her

Teacher: Today we will be learning- gets hit with the paper and whips her head around Alright who was that?

Elora: ...

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