TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch01

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--Start S05 Ch01--

Jazz would hear Calli approaching

Jazz: Oh, hey Cal! Watcha doing here?

Calli transforms and joins him, her jets still powering down

Calli: I just decided to have a fly around, I woke up feeling like shit again- It just happened that I saw you while I was circling. So, I just decided to come and say hi.

Jazz: Really? Have you checked with Ratchet yet?

Calli: I'd rather have Ratchet prioritizing Elora. That kid needs him more than I do.

Jazz: I guess you're right. If it gets any worse though, I might have to drag you to see Ratchet. Jazz teases

Calli: Hm... Bee told me you were on patrol. Doesn't look like it to me though-

Jazz: I was but then I saw this killer view and thought I'd might take a break.

Calli: Fair enough. Calli giggles

Jazz: But now that you're here, it's even better.

Calli: I honestly started worrying when I woke up. I didn't even know you were out-

Calli's wings lower

Jazz notices and brings Calli closer to him

Jazz: I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to worry you. I guess the time got away from me.

Calli: I've felt really bad for days now...

Jazz: Do you think it's something you ate? It could also be the stress of Elora almost dying.

Calli: If it was about Elora, then how come I wasn't feeling this way until a couple of weeks later...?

Knockout, appearing out of no where

Knockout: Or she's pregnant... unlikely though-

Jazz: I don't know...

Calli stares at knockout

Calli: How long have you been there...?

Knockout shrugged

Knockout: I'm just summoned whenever tea is around.

Calli mutters something in Atrionian, before turning back

Calli: Eh, I'm sure it's nothing...?

Jazz looks unsure

Jazz: I-

Calli looks at jazz, recognizing the uncertainty in his voice

Calli: You...?

Jazz looks embarrassed

Jazz: Do you remember if we used protection?

Calli: I...

Knockout: Called it!

Calli shifts awkwardly

Calli: I... don't remember.

Jazz: Maybe- we should check... Just in case?

Flustered Calli noises

Calli: It'd make sense, I suppose...

Calli begins to spool up her jets

Calli: Are you sure though-...?

Jazz: Calli, we really should check.

Calli: Hm. You coming with, or no?

Jazz nods before transforming

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