TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch06

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--Start S05 Ch06--

On the Nemesis

Megatron smirks

Megatron: Well, this just got interesting.

Predaking then came from behind Megatron

Megatron: Predaking, take Callidus to a prison cell.

Calli: No. I want to see Jazz through my bridge first.


Aggressively Calli: Get him through, or so help me, I will call every Autobot onto this goddamn ship!

Predaking transformed into his bot mode and locked Calli's arms together to prevent her from moving

Megatron: Oh, when I asked if you would keep your word, I never claimed I would keep mine.

Calli: You're forgetting something. My comms are active.

Calli begins to transmit a code through her comms

Megatron: So, what? I could kill your friend this instant if I wanted to. In fact, why don't I show you how I do things.

Megatron goes behind Jazz and doesn't hesitate to pull and break his leg in front of Calli, causing him to yell out in pain

The sound of Calli transmitting the code could be heard

Callidus stares at Megatron

Calli: The more you harm him, the faster I'll send this code. No doubt it's every little detail you want out of me.

Megatron: Hmm-Fine. But he shall also be put in a cell.

Calli: No, let him go. Let him go, and I'll get the data back.

Solar: (Comms) Calli? Something wrong? You haven't been responding to my texts-

Calli: I have a distress call ready to send as well. Don't try anything.

Megatron: I will consider letting him go-If you fall down to your knees and swear your allegiance to me.

Jazz: Calli, please... Jazz pleading for her not to do this

Calli: Not going to lie, this mass loss of data is severe enough to crash my drives. Push me any further, and you won't get anything. Even if I was to... do that... after...

Calli turns to jazz, before hugging him briefly quietly

Calli: I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you die today. If that means losing everything, then so be it. As long as I know you're alive, I don't care.

Calli begins walking towards Megatron

Megatron: So, you'll swear yourself to me and me only?

Calli: Let Jazz escape, then we'll talk.

Megatron huffed

Megatron: You Autobots always were stubborn.

Megatron releases Jazz from his grip, but Jazz has a hard time moving around

(Comms) Calli: Open a bridge for Jazz.

First Aid: Got it- dashes out glad to be out of the awkward situation

After the transmission, Calli rips out her Autobot commlink and throws it towards Megatron

First Aid: Opens ground bridge as Calli said so

Atrionian Calli: I love you, Jazz... and I'm sorry...

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now