TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S02 Ch05

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--Start S02 Ch05—

Predaking: stands next to Shockwave and Soundwave awaiting commands by Megatron

Megatron: We must retrieve Elora back.

Megatron: We were unfortunately set back by.... Soundwave. Gives Soundwave a look

Predaking: growls lowly >:[

Starscream: Lord Megatron, why go to such lengths for the sparkling? I mean-She's probably dead after the damage I caused.

Soundwave was leaning on Shockwave tiredly. He didn't even look up...was he asleep?

Megattron: ...Waste of time. Get both of them to a berthroom.

Predaking: smacks Starscream and rolls eyes

Megatron: She is of most importance because once I have her in my grasp, I will have optimus at his knees.

Airachnid: Literally on his knees?

Megatron: Oh, hush Airachanid.

Steve69: What position do you want Megatron~

Steve6: What happened to the Ex-Con though?

Steve10: trying his best not to laugh

Megatron: Are you asking to be deactivated?

Steve69: Oh yes please!

Predaking: grounds Steve69 by his head and rips it off

Starscream: He's probably one of those with a pain fetish.

Steve69: ded now

Megatron: Ignores Steve69 I thought I said give these two a private room.

Steve6: cough

Predaking: nudges Shockwave

Steve10: Very well sir, Shockwave Sir, please carrying Soundwave to either yours or his Berth.

Megatron: I do not care if they are sparkmates or some shit, just leave them in a room and return.

Airachnid: Do we actually get to kill the Autobots this time? I'm growing bored of this whole ordeal.

Predaking: low growling

Megatron: You may, but do not touch Optimus, he is mine.

Starscream: Don't tell me you guys are hooking up?!

Megatron: Gives Starscream a look

Airachnid: Be honest Starscream, you just want to f*ck Megatron.

Steve420: OFC HE DOES! Who wouldn't-

Megatron: Airachanid, out of this room. Right now. Yeets Steve420 out the window

Steve420: SHIT I'M NOT A JET-


Steve6: That Ex-Con would be on my list if I were you.

Steve11: Who's that-?

Steve6: The Callidus person. You know, the one Starscream practically choked to death when she had been captured-?

Megatron: Her team could be a useful asset to us.

Predaking: transformers into bot mode Awaiting commands to attack the Autobot base and kill Elora Pax Lord Megatron.

Steve6: Using what we know about her would be just as useful, in a sense we may be able to make a convincing case?

Shockwave grew annoyed at the people in the room, and grabbed Soundwave to take him to his Berthroom

Megatron: Finally

Airachnid roles her optics

Airachnid: Fine, don't say I didn't warn you. Airachnid leaves

Megatron: Gets a ping on his tablet What now... >:((

Predaking: Shall we make the attack on the Autobot base to kill Elora and have Optimus in our grasp?

Megatron: Not Optimus. Optimus is mine, ONLY.

Predaking: Fine... but do I at least get to kill Elora?

Megatron: Yes. You have the honor.

Steve6: Isn't PlasmaStryke among the Autobots?

Megatron: Deadend has said that there are.... More sparklings... In my words, weaknesses. We want Optimus to have as much emotional damage as possible.

Steve6: That other Predacon sided with the Autobots, you do realize that right?

Megatron: Stops Right. Her.

Steve: One of Callidus' crew. Pretty loyal as well, might I add.

Predaking: evil laugh and transformers back into a dragon Ready on your order sir.

Megatron: Predaking, bring that female juvenile Predacon to me too.

Predaking: Ofc. flies off toward the Autobot base

Megatron: Once I have Elora, AND That Predacon, I will have two teams under my grasp. >:)

Steve6: You'd lead Callidus right to us if you manage to take the Predacon-

Predaking: gone

Megatron: AH SHIT- I FORGOT TO TELL HIM TO BRING HER ALIVE FIRST- Whatever- Killing her is all I need.

Starscream: Ha! What a dumbass.

Megatron: Starscream, Do something useful and anhialate Callidus' wings.

--End S02 Ch05--

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