TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S03 Ch06

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--Start S03 Ch06--

Magnus: stares at Elora and Scrubs Prime...

Elora: pushes Scrubs off her in embarrassment and covers her face as she turns red

Prime walked over to where Ultra Magnus was, and looked down

Scrubs: ...

Magnus: I-... UltraMagnus.exe has stopped working

Optimus was too stunned to say anything- Optimus.exe has run into a problem :/

Scrubs: Uh- let's get outta here Elora

Elora: Oh please!

Scrubs: Grabs her and starts running

Magnus: CHASE, STRONGARM! Stop them and arrest them!

Nightwave: Whispering half to himself I'm glad that's not me-

Suds: Gently pushing Nightwave through the exit We have to go-.

Scrubs: We can't outrun them!

Suds: Over here! The exit's here! Waving his arms around

Elora: gets tackled and handcuffed by Strongarm Shit-

Nightwave: Seriously? Now they know- Pushes Suds through the exit

Suds: I thought- but don't they need our help?

Nightwave: ... God dammit Suds-

Elora: face smashes into the ground Could have been nicer Strongarm-

Magnus: spots Nightwave and Suds GET THEM!

Nightwave: Don't fucking touch us-.

Suds: ...Do we run-?

Magnus: I want Nightwave, Suds, Scrubs, and Elora all in handcuffs NOW!

Optimus, still standing there in a stunned state

Nightwave: WHAT DO YOU THINK?- Quickly grabs suds and starts running again

Scrubs: shoots strongarm with a taser Dam

Scrubs: Picks elora up and starts running again

Elora: Oh- uh why do we always need to be running again? Shouldn't we just accept fate that we're in trouble?

Scrubs: Well, we're runnin!

Nightwave: Pushes himself and Suds into somewhere Don't move or say anything.

Suds: We can't stay in here for hours- They'll still be looking.

Nightwave: Do you feel like getting disowned by your parents? I don't think so.

Suds: Well- Quiets down

Ultra Magnus: grabs Scrubs and Elora by their arms Where do you think you two are going?

Scrubs: TwT

Elora: Scrubs- don't fight it... please.

Magnus: You two are under arrest for refusal of arrest, underaged drinking, and breaking curfew. You'll be put on trial tomorrow morning. As for now, you'll be staying the night in jail.... separate cells.

Magnus: hands Scrubs and Elora over to Chase and Strongarm

Nightwave: Shhh. I think I hear someone.

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