TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S06 Ch07 [SEASON FINALE]

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--Start S06 Ch07 [SEASON FINALE]—

5 months late

Smokescreen: Hey Jazz, since you like music, I'm assuming both of your kids like music. So, I took the time to make a Push Playlist on Spotify-If I can remember the password.

Jazz: Um-Thanks...

Calli stands up to grab a bite to eat but suddenly her water breaks, she's gone into labor

Calli: Ah... fuck-

After a long 12-hour labor

The doctor: Congratulation you two, you have two wonderful little girl sparks.

The Doctor leaves the room

Jazz crying

Jazz: There so beautiful! I have never loved anything more!

Calli would be holding them both, chuckling over what jazz said

Calli: Calm down-...

Jazz: I can't help it!

Elora knocks on the door

Elora: May we enter?

Calli: Can you let her in...?

Elora opens the door

Elora: Hey-

Calli: Elora?

Optimus just- twiddling his thumbs

Elora: Yea that's me- Optimus is right behind me.

Optimus waved at Calli

Calli: I'm not blind- I was just wondering what brings you here.

Elora chuckles a little

Elora: I just wanted to see the little ones-

Calli: Well, they're right here if you insist-

Elora walks over to the side of Calli's bed

Elora: Congratulation's you two! Have fun with double trouble though-

Calli: As adorable as they are, they've exhausted the hell out of me-

Optimus looked at the tiny sparks, and nearly teared up. With how strained Elora and his relationship had been since Calli had apologized, and everything went back to 'normal'...after they're short talk about Elita... it didn't feel the same anymore...there was just... something blocking Optimus from connecting to his daughter again.

Optimus: ... they are very lovely... congratulations Calli, and Jazz...

Jazz: Hey Cal, did we figure out any names yet?

Calli: We were still indecisive last time I remember. Hm... Elora? What do you think?

Elora: I don't know- not my kids. Cazzy maybe for one-

Calli: I like that-

Jazz: Then how about Cama?

Elora: Cute Jazz.

Calli: Cama and Cazzy...

Callidus giggles

Calli: I see what you did there.

Announcement: Visiting time is over

Elora: Okay bye Calli- Elora leaves

Optimus nodded at the two

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