TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S03 Ch04

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--Start S03 Ch04--

Magnus: Sooo... anyone care to explain what happened?

Scrubs: ...

Elora: ... looks at Nightwave Bitch over there started it-

Nightwave: Me? Yeah right.

Soundwave stood at the side of Nightwave, seeing as he was the more sensible parent out of Shockwave and him

Perceptor: Nightwave, I would like you to stop beating up my child-

Elora: You started it by being rude to Suds and name calling him like shit bag!

Nightwave: He started it by existing, and not being sensible enought to even complete the course tasks.

Scrubs: looks down I-I'm in trouble? How will dad react? (Mind)

Perceptor: How does that involve you in any way?

Magnus: Enough Brainstorm, Shockwave, and Optimus are on their way. Please someone give me a truthful story-

Elora: You were there in Fitness Maggie, you heard and saw how Nightwave was treating Suds!

Optimus soon arrived Op: I came here as soon as I got your called Ultra Magnus.. what is going on?

Elora: thinks shit!

Nightwave: I'm trying to help him. He's failing class. And very miserably...

Perceptor: Scrubs, is Suds failing his class?

Nightwave: I just said that-

Elora: tries to stand up but is forced back down by Chase ...


Perceptor: Soundwave- Would you ever so carefully talk with your son? Suds has come back with several bruises on his first day here.

Elora: looks down not making eye contact with anyone

Magnus: Chase, Strongarm, release these two from the stasis cuffs. You two are both dismissed, unlikely these two will attempt an escape.


Perceptor: I need Soundwave's answer. He is Nightwave's legal guardian, along with Shockwave.

Brainstorm: I'm here, are the twins ok?

Nightwave: Muttering I don't need a fucking guardian.

Magnus: So... I'm going to ask again. What happened?

Soundwave nodded and crouched down to talk face to face with Nightwave

Soundwave: Nightwave. I want a truthful answer...What. Happened?

Nightwave: Turns away from him

Suds: Kinda just awkwardly sitting there

Elora: Nightwave was making fun of Suds and how he was failing fitness, after class I charged Nightwave and sort of urged them to fight, yes, I started it but... I was standing up for Suds- Nigthwave broke my nose to begin with whips the energon off her face

Magnus: Nightwave... is this true? Scrubs? Suds? Care to add on?

Optimus: He walked over to stand next to Elora, and just listened to see what happened

Elora doesn't look at him and just stares at the desk

Nightwave: Gives Suds a warning stare

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now