TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S04 Ch02

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--Start S04 Ch02--

Last day of School

Elora: grabbing books from her locker

Suds: It's already the last class of the year-

Nightwave: Good. I fucking hated it.

Suds: But your parents were the teachers- That's so lucky!

Elora: I know right... eh it was okay- My dad is still hovering over me since I told him about Scrubs and me- It's concerning...

Suds: He's just worried-

Nightwave: Yeah, no shit. My parents always hover over me now.

Elora: About what exactly though? He knows I'm not a little girl anymore... I just hate it-

Suds: You're his last family member, he has reasons to worry, I guess.

Elora: I don't know...

Nightwave: Closes his locker with a solid thud I can't wait for this last class to end.

Suds: It hasn't started yet?

Nightwave: I- You know what I mean.

Elora: closes her locker Has anyone seen Scrubs?

Period 1 starts (Science)

Suds: I think she was moving to a private science school for better studies? Temporarily though.

Elora: Ah- also to escape my father's shadow...

Suds: Sits down on a chair and sets his things down

Shockwave: Alright.... Set down your things and begin to solve the first problem on the board.

Elora: groans It's the last day of school!

Suds: looks at the board

Shockwave: Looks to Elora Do you want your last day of school to end on detention? If not, get to work.

Elora: looks at the board and gets a random chill down her spine Fine...

Suds: Starts writing down his work faster

Elora: slowly writing

Suds: I'm done-

Elora: not even close because she's tired from the lack of sleep from the night before

Shockwave: Goes over to Suds' table and checks on his paper Hm.... I see you have learned well from this year.

Elora: halfway through and yawns

Suds: Whispering to Elora Hurry before Shockwave sees you- He'll give you detention-

Shockwave: Checking on other students

Elora: half listening Hmm...

Suds: Um- Shockwave- I think I did this problem wrong-?

Shockwave: You have all the questions correct. Do not feed me such nonsense.

Suds: Whispering again Eloraaaaa-.

Elora: falls asleep while leaning on her hand and 3/4 the way through the problem

Suds: Everyone else is already on the next problem sheet-

Shockwave: Elora wake up, or I will have no choice but to give you detention.

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