TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S04 Ch03

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--Start S04 Ch03--

Ratchet: They're missing?!

Optimus: Perceptor- What do you mean by some of our children took a spaceship to Atrion?

Perceptor: Their scanners are headed out of the atmosphere, and the ship was stolen to the corresponding time their signals took off.

Ultra Magnus: Yes, a spaceship was stolen not long after Elora, Suds, and Nightwave ran out of the school building. Does anyone know why they might have done this?

Optimus: I thought I told Elora to specifically stay out of trouble-

Ratchet: looks down as if he was ashamed of something ...

Optimus: What happened?

Ultra Magnus: Doctor? Do you have something you'd like to say?

Perceptor: Scans Ratchet He has an overwhelming amount of guilt. So much guilt- that it hurts me too-

Ratchet: Elora recently told me that she hasn't been able to sleep and has been seeing and hearing Starscream in her dreams and just randomly whenever...

Ultra Magnus: ... I see, soldiers, trace the ship and follow it.

Optimus: Why-...- Why is it always MY child-

Bumblebee: It's her density- or some crap.

Perceptor: If we make it obvious, we are pursuing them, they will flee. They might end up doing something they regret while doing so.

Zalis: Hmm-That has a nice ring to it.

Xaron: I guess so...? I'm not so good with names-

Something appears on a screen

Xaron: Wait... what...?

Zalis: What happened?

Xaron transforms into Calli and begins frantically typing things

Calli: What...? I- Get Optimus, right now!

Zalis: I would but I don't know how to transform back!?

Calli forces him to transform back

Calli: There, just- go and get him-

(Comms) Calli: Optimus, you there? You might want to see this- My lab. Now.

Jazz huffs

Jazz: Thanks. Transforms info vehicle form

(Comms) Calli: Optimus-?

Optimus: (Comms) Yes Callidus?

(Comms) Calli: I need you to come to my lab right now. (Comms) You know what, no, just- give me a second-

Jazz arrives Jazz: Optimus, I'm here to personally escort you to the lab.

Calli sends images of a ship on Atrion, and the surveillance showing the children aboard it

Ratchet: I'm sorry Optimus... I should have told you.

comms Calli: I can't go there to intervene now, I'm otherwise occupied. I'd recommend bridging you to the landing site of the ship. Calli opens a spacebridge close to him

Optimus: (Comms) Alright. Optimus: Pauses before he steps through Ultra Magnus. Join me.

Jazz: I'm on my way!

Calli just straight up curses in Atrionian

Jazz comes back

Jazz: Is the kid, okay?!

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