TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch04

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--Start S05 Ch04--

Bumblebee still having his finger chewed off by Hornet

Bumblebee: So, how was the fight?

Solar: Wait- where's Gadget?

Calli: That Predacon was after me. If you had just let me lead them away, nobody else would be fighting for their lives right now!

Gadget: secretly tailing the Decepticons with a hologram to hide himself

Calli's working turbine spins aggressively out of her frustration

Jazz: I wasn't about to let you sacrifice yourself! The war is over for Primus sake! We shouldn't have to keep fighting like this! Jazz exclaimed, clearly frustrated

Solar: Hey, has anyone seen Gadget?

Calli: I have a few scratches and a missing jet, so what!?

Hornet: sleeping while holding Bumblebee's finger

First Aid: I still need to repair you, otherwise it can become worse

Bumblebee: Yeah, First Aid...I'm gonna need a new finger.

Calli: If anyone dies now, you'll all have a hard time convincing me that my distress signal wasn't the cause of it all...

First Aid: sigh kids Gadget! We need more medics, Gadget?

Calli: It was poor judgment. Adding more people to the equation messed it up.

Jazz: So, what?! Calli, you could've died! Don't you have any regard for your life?!

First Aid: sigh You also need to have a checkup as well Jazz

Calli just proceeds to assess herself because why the hell not

Gadget: Tailed the Decepticons all the way back to their ship but still using a hologram to hide.

Jazz: Alright, just make it quick.

Calli would be saying everything that she could find from her scan

Calli: Missing jet, critical damage to the turbine and the area around it, unresponsive wings... Hell, that bite really did a number to my wing. Not to mention mesh wounds literally... fucking everywhere-

Gadget: sneaking on the Decepticon ship but walks into Airachnids room by accident

Calli looks up at the screens on her desk

Calli: Wait, what the-...

Jazz: What's the damage?

Calli rushes to her desk, frantically reading the data on her screen

First Aid: A bullet has lodged itself in your shoulder, I need to remove it.

Calli: No no no... this can't be right-...

Perceptor still chilling at the Autobot base- completely oblivous to what's happening

Perceptor: I wonder where they all went-

Jazz: Ugh! Just get it over with!

Deadend: I don't know-


Gadget: Laughs a little but silently at indigos antic

First Aid: Fine, fine, no need to get pushy!

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