TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S05 Ch05

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--Start S05 Ch05--


Makeshift opened his optics in fear, and then looked at his surroundings...he was back on the nemesis. He looked at his hands. Wait...these aren't his- these were slimmer, and looked like they belonged to an arial bot...but that's not right-

Shockwave: Congratulations... you've survived the procedure. Makeshift: What...happened...?

Shockwave wrote down a few notes and looked Makeshift in the eyes Shockwave: To put it simply, you died. But thanks to my experiments with Predicons, I was able to rebuild you... unfortunately, most of your limbs where lost.

Makeshift sat up, and stretched Makeshift: So what does Lord Megatron demand of me to keep me alive...? Shockwave: He has his plans that you are not classed high enough to know of just yet...

Shockwave clicked something into place, and Makeshift was able to stand now too

Shockwave: Your new name will be Deadscream, you will be confined to exclusively Autobot-safe quarters In case of an attack... can't let the scum know our plans or even see a glimpse of you yet...

Present time - at night

At Elite Guard Headquarter

Rodimus: I want you, to stay quiet about Starscream's escape, and me. Got it big guy? If you so much as elude to the fact that I may be evil, or Starscream has escaped, you will be shot on the it?

Ultra Magnus: Y-yes sir...

Rodimus patted him on the head and put up two fingers to signal the guards to stand down

Rodimus: Good boy! Now, let's head back to the meeting. Shall we?

Ultra Magnus: Yes, we shall...

Brainstorm: Hey Rodimus, I created a new type of storm shield, it has a new type of tech that repeals attention! The cons will have a harder time noticing us now! Cracks knuckles Rodimus~ You there?

Brainstorm: Rodimus? You listening??? I'm giving a "TeCh RePoRt" on a new force field

Rodimus had been acting like he was

Rodimus: Mhm...

Brainstorm: So, do you like the new forcefield?

Rodimus: Yep- sounds great!

Brainstorm: Smiles Time to install it!

Ultra Magnus: shifts uncomfortably as he knew there was a gun aimed right at his head I think it sounds like a perfect idea Brainstorm for protection.

Brainstorm: Mumbles Wondering if Mags and Rodimus are fucking?

Bumblebee: You can't be serious...

Smokescreen: I mean, they spend so much time together-

Random Guy: Hmm...maybe- who do you think tops?

Brainstorm: I vote Rodimus.

Random Girl: Nah man. Rodimus is a power bottom and Ultra Magnus is a soft top

Rodimus just smiled and waved at Ultra Magnus from across the room, signaling him over

Ultra Magnus: walks over Yes Rodimus?

Rodmis whispered into Ultra Magnus's receptor

Rodimus: If they ask you anything about us being an item, just go along with it. It'll be easier for me as an excuse.

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