TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S04 Ch04

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--Start S04 Ch04--

Calli: There's no reason to worry...? Look... if you want to carry on hugging me then do so- I don't mind. Eh... I'll save you the job. Calli hugs Jazz

Jazz: Because you're my world Cal...I don't want anything bad happening to you...

Calli: Nothing bad will happen to me so long as I am with you. I promise.

Calli giggles in a soft manner

Calli: Calm down-...

Jazz smiles and feels warmth spread across his chest

Calli: Oh? Is that a smile I, see?

Jazz huffs and rolls his optics playfully

Jazz: Nope, you're just seeing things. Must be the trick of the light.

Calli giggles

Calli: I'm not that dumb.

Jazz bops her noise

Jazz: I know, I'm just teasing.

Calli's wings raise, her turbines beginning to spin

Calli: Did you just-

Calli would force her turbines to lock in place

Jazz smirks

Jazz: I did, what are you going to do about it?

Calli kisses jazz

Calli: That... now shut the hell up... Uh.. Jazz? You ok there-?

Jazz is quiet for a moment before he surprises Calli by wrapping his arms around her hips and scoops her up

Jazz: Who's got the upper hand now?

Calli: Hmph... Shut up..

Jazz kisses Calli on the mouth and they stay in that position for a moment or two before Jazz brings her to the nearest couch

Calli blushes

Calli: Jazz, I- What are you up to..?

Jazz: Calli...I just can't help myself...I know for a fact that I want you...But if you're not ready for this-I completely understand...

Calli: No no, It's fine...

Jazz: Are you sure?

Calli completely deactivates her commlink, a small tone being sent to the others to imply the disconnect

Calli: Yeah... I'm sure...

Suds: You don't wield a weapon- I mean- You are the weapon- no- not you- your hand- um-...

Ratchet: Optimus...

Suds: I think I hear something.

Shockwave: Yes, that loud aggravated voice must belong to Airachanid.

Elora: staring at Airachnid and Starscream

Nightwave Don't touch Elora, she's had enough.

Elora: muffles something

Airachnid sees Elora staring

Airachnid: It's not what you think-I would never associate myself with Starscream like that!

Nightwave: Oh really-?

Elora: muffles oh yea sure whatever, you're just so desperate who had to be fucked by him because Megatron wasn't enough to satisfy you in bed.

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now