TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S04 Ch06 (SEASON FINALE)

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--Start S04 Ch06 (SEASON FINALE)--

It has been three weeks since Starscream's attack, he has since been locked in a high security chanmber far from Cybertronian's view. As for Nightwave and Elora, Nightwave has made a full recovery and is bonding some with his dads now. As for Elora, she is still in a deep stasis, unknown when she will wake of- or if she ever will. The poison destroyed her vocals, unknown if she will ever speak again, and her sight has been torn from her grasp, unknown if she will ever see again. She can still hear, taste, smell, and feel luckily.

Optimus sat at the foot of her bed and couldn't help but feel...guilty.

Ultra magnus: he places a hand on Optimus's shoulder Optimus- Starscream has requested your presence.

Optimus sat up, and looked at Ultra Magnus

Optimus: Very well...

Ultra Magnus: leads Optimus toward where Starscream is being kept

Optimus seemed tense, and his fist was bunched up

Ultra Magnus: Open the doors to Starscream!

Solider: Sir yes sir opens the doors to reveal Starscream

Starscream wakes up from his recharge

Starscream: Ah, come to visit me again already.

Optimus glared down at Starscream for a long moment, then stepped inside the cell

Ultra Magnus: Starscream is unarmed, do whatever you please with him. Just keep him alive enough.

Optimus nodded, then turned to face Starscream

Optimus: So... what part of your plan did you think you'd get away with...

Ratchet: testing remanence of the remaining poison Whoever created such a poison knows what they're doing- and trusted anyone, Decepticon, with it.

Just then someone knocked on the base door Bumblebee opened it to see a very pregnant and annoyed Arachnid

Bumblebee: Arachnid?!

Arachnid: Is Starscream here? I've been searching the entire planet for that lazy ass of a father!

Ratchet: looks up Wait what?! You're pregnant with Starscream's child??

Knockout: Screamer's in the jail house bitch.

Arachnid: Trust me- It wasn't on purpose. We're not even really together.

Ratchet: How- why- accident?? WTF?!

Hornet: Fuck.

Arachnid: It doesn't matter! Just bring me to him so I can ripe him apart for ditching me!

Ratchet: thinks for a moment Only the Elite Guard knows where he is being kept.

Hornet: Fuck Starscream.

Arachnid smirks

Arachnid: I'm going to need him later for child support anyway.

Hornet: Fuck fuck fuck fucky fuck Starscream!! cheers and claps her hands

Starscream sees Arachnid

Starscream: A-Arachnid, you've come to save me!

Arachnid: The only saving you'll need is from me.

Arachnid sharpens her claws while approaching Starscream Screams of terror can be heard from outside

Ultra Magnus: Not my problems right now walks out

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