TFP Behind the Mask of Prime -S03 Ch01

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--Start S03 Ch01--

It has been a few weeks since everything occurred, the Autobotd and their new allies have all moved back to Cybertron and have repaired the damages that was left there physically, Elita-1's body and spark has been moved to a tomb for all deceased Autobots.

Calli: Y'all happy to be back home?

Shockwave: The transition was a little rough :'I

Elora: ...

Perceptor: It doesn't feel like home- if you know what I mean.

Breakdown: It is nice to be home finally, and to be with my handsome husband kisses him and my daughter.

Knockout: Oh stop it you big lug...I'm just kidding praise me more-

Mercy: Daaad!

Breakdown: How else would you like to be praised~?

Mercy: Sputtering noises Can't you guys talk like that later?-

Breakdown: Sure, we can~.

Flustered Knockout noises

Calli: cough Get a room- cough cough

Arcee: I agree.

Ratchet: Since our arrival back on Cybertron I have been able to successfully replace Elora's voice box and get the proper tools to help Calli.

Deadend: Do you think Megatron made it through somehow?

Wheeljack: He always does. We learned that about him.

Arcee: Knowing our luck, probably.

Soundwave looked around seemed like forever since he'd last been on Cybertron

Suds: Is this Cybertron? :0

Shockwave: Where do you think it is? Earth?

Bumblebee: How's that wing holding up Calli?

Calli: I've still got some issues with movement; it doesn't exactly move to my emotion-

Calli tries to fold her wings, and only one moves

Calli: See? I look stupid- ( ;w; )

Bumblebee: I'm sure we could find some parts to make you a replacement.

Plasma: Ah.... I-

Deadend: YK I keep forgetting why I'm here :')

Wheeljack: Would you like your wings to be even?

Calli: I'm sure it'll be fine; I just need to give it some time- the hit I took was fairly hard, and at uh... very high speeds.

Perceptor: Since we left base for so long, I'm going to look around again... For any flaws in the structure-

Deadend: Muttering You're a flaw in the structure.

Plasma: Why're you being so salty rn?

DeadEnd: Am I supposed to be happy?

Plasma: I'm just curious-

Elora: sneaks off and away from everyone

Ratchet: Hey Prime, your kid snuck off again.

Deadend: I swear to Primus that kid-

Optimus sighed, and went to follow after Elora

Perceptor: Suds, don't look for her.

TFP Behind the Mask of PrimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz