TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S06 Ch03

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--Start S06 Ch03--

Nightwave: Shoves Suds into a wall nearby You wanna give me that attitude?

Suds: Turns off his data pad and continues glaring at Nightwave. My work is important right now.

Nightwave: Stop with the attitude before I fuck it out of you dumbass.

Suds: Hesitantly looks away from him Nightwave- not here-

Nightwave: Why should I listen to you?

Suds: We're too close to the school.

Nightwave muttering and starts walking back to the base

Suds: Buuuut can we go to the sweet's shop tomorrow? :>

Suds arrives at the base with Nightwave and sets his things down in his room

Nightwave: Why the fuck is there so much stuff in your backpack- Leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.

Suds: I'm still in here-

Nightwave: Stay there.

Suds: But I want to go find my dad's really quick.

Nightwave: I'm going to go find mine. They weren't at the Nemesis as far as I know. And obviously not at the base.

Suds: It wasn't obvious- Why aren't they?

Nightwave: ...Because...They got bored.

The psychic patch disconnects ig

Jazz placed a hand on Calli's shoulder

Jazz: Hey- at least we now have solid proof you don't know what happened?

Calli: I guess so- Now to see if the others choose to analyze the feedback in the way I need them to... I have a small feeling someone will pick up on something and just... I don't know, place it in a bad light?

Jazz touched her forehead with his, rapping his arms around her waist

Jazz: It'll be fine m'lady.

Calli: Easy enough for you to say.

Ratchet was asleep with Wheeljack in his room as Ricochet slept peacefully in his crib

Wheeljack: Checking on Ricochet every three seconds

Calli: Elora... she probably won't even try looking my way. How do you expect me to convince her I mean no harm? I guess I have bigger issues? Bucket head suddenly has Atrionian Intelligence wrapped around his finger. He wields a sword infused with the planet's raw material. That sort of power has the potential to kill any of us in one hit.

Calli: It's best you don't ask how she- I... know.

Calli: Just try not to get murdered by Ratchet trying to return the patch to his lab.

Jazz chuckled

Jazz: Ahhh come on...! Have a little more faith!

Calli: Ya know what? Fuck it, I'll return it. After running into the old timer when he's in a bad mood, I highly doubt you'd walk out of there alive if he knew this was taken from him. I'll do it. Your leg won't allow you to run away as fast.

Ratchet wakes up with a chill down his spine

Ratchet: Someone touched my things... without permission.

Wheeljack: ... Go back to sleep. You haven't slept a lot lately.

Jazz: ... you calling me slow-?

Calli kisses jazz on the cheek, before grabbing the patch and leaving

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