TFP Behind the Mask of Prime - S02 Ch06 (SEASON FINALE)

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--Start S02 Ch06 SEASON FINALE--

Ratchet: Okay so the only way to repair Elora's voice box is by removing it- so she'll be voiceless until I can repair it...

Op: If that's what will fix her...

Elora: ?! Voi-... es..?? Wi-... t-... urt-... (Voiceless? Will it hurt?)

Op: No Starshine, it won't hurt... you'll be asleep when Ratchet does it as well.

Ratchet: Unlikely, though I'd had to ask bee on that- but it's the only reasonable way without having to wait to get a brand new one.

Elora: ... ine- (Fine)

Ratchet: puts Elora to sleep

Elora: ...

Ratchet: slowly removes Elora's voice box I see the problem, one of the main lines was cut through- shouldn't be that hard to temporarily replace it before getting back on Cybertron and getting a new one. Tapes the wire back together and puts Elora's voice box back in She'll wake up in a few minutes. leaves room

Wheeljack: She'll be okay, right?

Ratchet: Ofc, she'll healing just fine. kisses his cheek

Optimus: he breathed a sigh of relief at the news Elora was going to be okay

Bumblebee: Probably, I mean-Look how I turned out.

Deadend: Well if the doctor isn't crying or eerily frustrated I assume she's okay.

Wheeljack: ...Okay. I feel that Optimus would go on a killing rampage/spree if she wasn't tbh-

Ratchet: He wouldn't be here if she was dead-

Elora: slowly wakes up Did it work-? !! My voice-

Perceptor: Fffffck nothings making sense anymoreeee-

Deadend: Since when did anything make sense?

Calli: You ok there?

Perceptor: No. Not at all.

Calli: Huh, figures. I'm still not telling you what you heard though before you ask.

Deadend: A person screaming is a person screaming. It's not too hard to interpret.

Calli: I can assure you, that is not what was heard.

Bulkhead: Then, what did we hear?

Calli: That's... not for you to know.

Mercy: Well...I can tell there's a lot of stress in room- why don't we all about something that makes us happy!

Calli: Meh, I'm bored standing here with you lot. I'll just be in my lab if anyone needs me-

Perceptor: I'm detecting nearby Decepticon signals.

Deadend: Oh, just what we FUCKING NEED TO HEAR!

Callidus turns to leave, but stops upon hearing Perceptor

Plasma: WHAT?-

Calli: Are you FUCKING kidding me-

Arcee rolls her optics

Arcee: Great, just what we needed.

Knockout: F u c k .

Brainstorm: Starts to shove Suds and Scrubs into a crate again

Calli: Yeah no, I'm calling bullshit.

Predaking: flying fast toward the Autobot base >:]

Calli leaves the room and goes to her lab

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