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"Lend me your shoulder.", Price asked before grabbing you without waiting for the answer. "Kneel down."

With a grin on your face you did as he asked you. A moment later the gentle weight of his rifle pressed onto your shoulder.

"You want me to pop the question?", you asked and glanced back at him. "Shouldn't I face you in such an important moment?"

A low sound escaped him. It had taken little to find out that he didn't sighed whenever he was annoyed, he just let out one deep breath as if he was trying to calm his own nerves.

He grabbed the top of your head and made you face away again so that he could focus on the enemies in the distance.

"This will hurt.", he noted, finger already pressing onto the trigger.

You relaxed.

"Can't be worse than my old mate.", you snarled. "Fucker almost tore my ear off using me as a stand."

He hummed. An amused smirk was audible inside this small sound.

It started to get easier to read him by the minute. All you needed to do was listen and take in the few sounds he made every now and then, a sharp breath, a huff, maybe even a deep breath out. Everything he did had a meaning, you noticed.

But just like him those little signs of emotions were subtle and reserved. It was impossible to find them unless you looked for it.

The sound of his finger pressing down on the trigger made your ears twitch.

"Wait.", you whispered and pulled out the binoculars again. "I can't see the others."

He frowned.

"Call them then.", he replied.

You clicked the radio two times.

"Sergeant?", you asked.

Nobody answered.

Now it was Price who backed down on his plan and raised the riffle to get it out of your moving range.

"Garrick.", he said through his own radio.

Again, nobody answered. Only a clicking and gushing filled the silence.

Annoyed, you rolled your eyes.

"If they got into trouble I'll ask Katie to switch em' out.", you said in a bitter manner and tried to reach them one last time over the radio. "Echo 3-1, do you copy?"

A few seconds passed.

Price wanted to say something again. But all of a sudden he was cut off by the sound of someone answering.

"Captain!", Alex gasped. "Echo 3-1 is listening."

Your eyes wandered to Price.

He tilted his head.

"Where's the sergeant?", you asked.

"We've got separated."

Price frowned.

"Any complications?"

"Positive. They didn't take him, but we needed to part to shake them off."

"If you're being followed try taking them out.", you ordered. "Or do we disagree?"

Without complain, Price shook his head.

"Agreed. Follow the given orders.", he said and pulled the night vision over his eyes. "Captain and I will take the first shot. Stay away from the battlefield. Secure the sergeant and get to safety once the camp is secured. Bravo 6 out."

"Roger, captain...", Alex hummed but left a short pause. "Captain Price, sir."

The radio fell silent again.

You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry Echo.", you grinned and looked back at Price. "His ego should be able to take a small hit like that."

Without replying to it, Price got his riffle ready again.

You turned so that he could get back into the position he was in before.

And he did take the invitation, placed his riffle on your shoulder and hit into position.

"Hope you know how to stand still for a second.", he hummed. "Otherwise this will be ugly."

You pulled a face.

"For you or for me?", you asked.

"Does it matter?"

"I want to remind you, if I get hurt it's your job to protect me. We're partners after all."

A low sound made his chest vibrate. But he didn't comment on it.

Taking in a deep breath, he lowered his head to get in line with the barrel of his rifle and applied pressure in the trigger.

"Try shooting the one on the roof.", you said, hoping he knew what you were talking about. "And pull away to the right so I can get up faster. Cover my back. I'm not much of a sniper."

"Will you shut up for five bloody seconds?", he asked. "Don't breath."

Taking in a deep breath, he held it and squeezed one eye shut. His finger applies pressure on the trigger.

But he was hesitating.

Confused, you frowned, trying to see what he was waiting for.

Down in the sunlight, the two groups were still facing each other.

A unit of soldiers, most likely a mix of Americans and Europeans, was guarding the camp's entrance. They had their guns raised and hid behind large boxes made of wood. They had probably lost the cargo and now were trying to get it back.

The wreck of a car, a model of the camp's supplies, was stuck inside the fence. Either someone had driven it in there on purpose or it had been an accident of the driver. Maybe the surprise of the battle had caused the accident.

On the other side, people were waiting for a good moment to attack as well. Their heads were covered by capes, beanies and everything that made it hard to identify them.

From the distance it was hard to tell, but you dared to believe that most of them were light skinned, which out ruled the possibility of them being Middle Eastern terrorists.

"Are you hesitating because they share a skin colour with you?", you asked out of the blue.

A huff escaped his bearded lips.

"Don't try making me something I'm not...", he said in the calmest and most uninterested way you've ever witness form a human being. "I'm waiting..."

"What for?"

"The reinforcement."

"The sergeant and Alex are out."

"Not our reinforcement."

Confused, you frowned.

But not a moment later the sound of a running engine reached your ears. Surprised, you let your eyes jump through the area.

A car appeared. It wasn't one of the camp's.

Without hesitation, Price fired a single shot.

Captain John Price x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now