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All at once everything was as dark as sin.

Frozen in surprise, you held your gun high in case hell would be let loose any moment.

Price joined your side, also alarmed by the sudden event.

His head was moving from left to right, checking the area for changes with his night vision. It seemed as if he was almost as tense as you.

But he didn't show it.

Instead, he came so close to you that it was hard for enemy snipers to hit you without him in the way.

His huge body was shielding you.

"John!", you breathed.

He didn't react.

Of course he didn't.

He'd rather get shot than admit he was trying to protect his partner.

You didn't want that.

You didn't want him to get hurt or chose your well-being over his.

So you rose from your position and pretended to check the fence to get some distance between the two of you.

"Captain to Echo, you copy?", you asked over the radio.

A gushing sound filled your ears. Then a click.

Nobody answered.

Steps sounded behind you.

Price was following.

The light of his rifle illuminated the path before you.

His shadow was huge. The way he moved made sure that there was no mistake, no risk to be taken.

"Captain to French lines, you copy?", you asked.

Again, nobody answered.

You stopped at a corner of the fence and threw another twig at it.

This time, no sparks appeared.

"The electricity is gone.", you mumbled.

Without saying a word, Price pushed you aside and grabbed some of his gear to check himself.

"You're right...", he frowned and put back on the night vision to check the area. "No enemy movements detected. Coast still clear."

In a swift movement he wanted to jump the fence.

But a sudden signal over the radio made him freeze.

"Captains!", Gaz sounded cheerful, almost a little too proud of himself that his plan had worked out. "Sergeant Garrick and unit need position confirmation."

You jumped on the line.

"Captain to Gaz, we're right up front.", you looked up, scanning the darkness for signs of life while sending corded light signals with your lamp. "Where are you? Need ally position."

A light lit up in the distance. It managed to crawl through the cracks of the fence and into one of the abandoned buildings, back out and to your side of the area.

"We're up on the other side of the target area.", Gaz said. "We will strike from both sides. Electricity is cut down. We don't know for how long. Act quick."

"Roger that, Gaz.", Price fished a bolt cutter out of his supplies and started putting it in a worse condition than you in the elevator. "Captain, you're smaller than me. Be a dear and get on the other side. I'll wait at the gate."

With his teeth clenched, he grabbed the edges to tear them apart wide enough for you to slip through.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine as you picked up your light and scanned the darkness.

"Lights out!", Price ordered.

Smirking, you put it out and disappeared.

"Gaz.", you called out over the radio. "How many men are you?"

The sound of rustling filled the silence.

Wind made the trees shake.

Every single sound was like a knife that was dancing behind your back.

It could be someone trying to kill you.

But it was probably just something unimportant like a squirrel.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine as Gaz took his time to answer.

"Sergeant.", you called out over the radio again. "Sergeant Garrick, what's your status?"

The sound of steps alarmed you.

Out of reflex, you jumped behind a wall to take cover.

Shadows appeared.

It was hard to tell who it was, friend or foe. Either way, the group was armed.

Your fingers twitched, wanted to reach for the flashlight.

It would be risky to use it in total darkness without knowing who was watching.

If the unknown group were allies, you would be able to communicate with them. But if they weren't, the light signals would give away your position.

It would mean danger.

But if they were Gaz and his head, he might would run right into a mess.

You'd be able to warn them.

"Captain.", Price voice suddenly filled your ears. "Get your arse to the bloody gate."

Without tearing your eyes away from the shadows, you grabbed the communicator to answer him.

"Gaz isn't responding.", you said. "I made contact. Not sure if they are friendly."

"Don't think about it, captain. Get over here."

We need reinforcement and we need it quick.

"I'm your reinforcement. Captain Price. Now get here and leave em'. If it's Gaz, he'll be able to handle it by himself."

Your legs twitched.

You got up, walked a few steps into the same direction as the shadows and sat down again.

They stopped, seemed to talk to each other. It was hard to make a difference between the ally units and the enemies since most of the terrorists came from far right, military backgrounds.

They got moving again.

You moved as well. While following their every step, you managed to tear your eyes away and look for the gate that you were supposed to open.

The outline of Price appeared in the distance.

"If we don't warn them, they'll walk right into a trap.", you said to Price.

A low groan got stuck in his throat.

"You're smarter than that, luv.", it was audible how strained his nerves were. "Get. Here."

It seemed to be a thing of the impossible, but it felt like he was nervous, on edge.

You would have never expected to experience him in this kind of way.

Persistent, he gestured for you to come closer.

The gate was only a few meters away.

You could have walked up and opened it for him. But as soon as he'd be on the other side there was no way in hell he'd let you check out those units that wandered through the shadows.

Your eyes jumped back to the shadows.

If they were terrorists, you needed to follow them to gain intel. Maybe they were hiding heavy machinery.

"John.", you pressed your lips into a thin line and turned away from the fence. "A captain needs to make difficulty decisions. Stay down. I'll be back in ten."

Captain John Price x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now