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You didn't dare to move.

You didn't even dare to breath.

Just like you, the people around didn't move either. They were like statues, frozen in shock and fear.

The ground felt like it was shaking.

Maybe it was.

Maybe it wasn't.

It was hard to tell.

The tension in the air was so present that it could have been cut with a knife.

A few seconds passed.

Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four.

You dared to take a deep breath.

The tension inside your body faded, only for it to be replaced by a wildly beating heart. It felt like it was about to explode.

Slowly, cautiously slowly, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a communicator.

"Bravo 6, you copy?", you asked, voice shaky and hoarse as if you had been screaming all night.

A click filled the silence.

"Bravo 6 is listening.", Price replied.

Letting out a deep breath, you squeezed your eyes shut and sighed.

"What the fuck was that?!", you turned to look up at him.

He was still on the roof, rifle positioned in a way as if he was expecting he had to shoot somebody else any second.

"She was holding an igniter."

Your mouth was already open to reply something heated as the soldier suddenly awoke from his shock.

He snatched the communicator from your hands.

"This is Tycoon 4-8, general in command, German special task forces.", he braked into the mic. "Identify yourself."

Price let out a low sound.

"Captain Price, bravo 6, captain in command.", his eyes moved to take a look at the man from above. "British special task forces. I had authority to shoot her in case of emergency, general."

The general bared his teeth.

"I demand you down here, captain. Unarmed or we will treat you as hostile."

"I have authority to be armed."

"Unarm yourself or we'll open fire."

A low sound escaped Price.

It tingled in the back of your head.

You didn't know him for long, but it was long enough to know that he was about to fight that man.

"John.", you grabbed the communicator to place it inside your ear. "Do as he says. We should cooperate for now."

"We should do our fuckin' job."

"I know."

"He's being a cunt."

"And I never said we should kiss his ass. But if we want to get the intel we need we have to cooperate. Leave the rifle on the roof."

For a moment silence spread.

Then the sound of him moving reached your ears.

Plastic was placed on solid ground.

Your eyes jumped up to the building.

He was looking down on you.

It was hard to tell from afar, but he surely wasn't thrilled about your request. He just did it to keep the peace.

The outline of his huge body disappeared.

A few moments later a door opened.

Soldiers tensed and raised their guns.

Expectantly, your eyes moved to the general.

He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and a grim expression on his face.

He already had a strong opinion about Price and it wasn't a good one. If he would have been a dick he could have raised his hand and ordered the police to arrest you and Price.

German law didn't apply to you nor price and therefore arresting you two would have been a waste of time. It would have been a good way to annoy you though.

But to your surprise and despite his disliking, the general did raise his hand to give a silent command.

The soldiers lowered their guns.

"General.", Price nodded his head in greeting and positioned himself behind you.

You weren't sure if he wanted to guard your back or if he used you as a barrier to keep himself from hitting that man in the face.

Either way, it was better to keep the giant calm. After all, he was better at talking than you were.

The general returned the nod.

"Explain yourself.", he demanded.

Price tilted his head, a nasty smirk tugging at the edges of his mouth.

"We're both soldiers, no?", he asked, calm yet incredibly passive aggressive. "We are trained to notice a threat, analyse it and act according."

Rolling his green eyes, the general pointed at the dead body, about ten meters away.

"That was one of mine.", he hissed. "Under what circumstances did you act?"

"Under the circumstance that she was holding an igniter."

"How do you know it was one? You acted without confining the suspicion!"

Price shifted.

You could sense how his patience was running thin. Despite the fact that he was standing behind you, you still managed to tell that the look on his face could have killed.

Without thinking about it, you reached behind you and pressed a hand to his stomach.

He didn't back away. But as your hand connected with his body, he relaxed.

His breathing calmed down.

"General.", you locked eyes with the man. "This isn't a national case, but international. I understand you're upset, but our authority overrules yours right now. Please cooperate."

An amused snort escaped Price.

He seemed to take great joy in the fact that you just politely told the general to fuck off.

With a more aggressive approach, the general turned to face you with the most disgusted, insulted look in his eyes that you had ever seen.

"And I should do that because?", he asked. "I am the man in command."

You sighed.

"And we are special operators, fucker. Brussels didn't send us for nothing."

"Not as long as you are just two strangers who are getting on my last nerve. Get your superiors on the line."

Without skipping a beat, Price shoved his hand into his pocket and fished out another flip phone.

He typed a number in.

The phone rang.

A confused look appeared on the generals face.

"This is a confident area, unsecured lines aren't allowed!", he hissed.

The Brit raised a finger to ask him to wait.

Someone picked up the phone on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, well you can discuss that with the German president, mate.", Price handed him the phone. "But we've got a fuckin' job to do. Pack the body. We're taking it."

Captain John Price x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now