Twenty-Eight (Smut)

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Biting your tongue, you remained motionless as Price's huge hand slipped between your legs and started to massage the sensitive area.

Every now and then he let a finger or two press down a little harder, making you shiver under the pressure.

Not only were his hands large enough to get a good grip on you, his fingers were skilled as well.

A few movements and you were bending under his touch like a dog in heat.

Forcing down a whimper, you pressed into him, away from his hand.

He was already hard, not fully, but enough to know that he wouldn't be just of average size.

He was thick, so thick that it felt like he had hidden something else in his pants. The length wasn't easy to tell, but he'd probably wouldn't be all too short either.

Only thinking about it made your breath shiver.

A smirk appeared on his bearded lips, clouded by alcohol and the knowledge that you were slowly melting into his guidance.

"Captain.", he hummed into your ears. "Be a dear and stay still."

You did as he ordered.

He pushed your legs further apart, pressed you harder against the door and pushed his pelvis up to grind against your backside.

A deep sound escaped his slightly parted lips, causing his chest to tremble.

The vibration tickled over your back and send shivers down your spine.

He felt gigantic.

Even though his entire chest was pressing against you, he was still reaching a good amount over your head.

His shoulders threw a large shadow all over the doors.

"P-Price...", you whispered as the lust and alcohol started to make you crave more. "Stop it."

Your middle twitched.

He chuckled.

"You really want me to stop?", he asked in such a seductive way that it made you push into him. "Just like that..."

His hand shifted from your neck and wrapped around your throat to give it a gentle squeeze.

Heat chased through your head.

Your middle twisted. It felt like a bit of hot liquid was already dripping from it.


"Call me John, luv. If you will be able to scream, that is."

His hand moved from between your legs to your backside.

"Wait!", you gasped.

But he didn't listen.

He didn't want to wait.

His pants were already getting tight. It felt warm. His cock was throbbing with excitement.

He wanted to make you shut up. Or scream.

Either way, he wanted to do it under his own conditions.
With one swift movement the layers of fabric were gone that kept him from seeing you in all the naked, aroused glory.

A cold gush of air made your lower body pull together. At the same time your nipples hardened.

"Huh...", his large paw grabbed your butt. "I had expected you to look... less... well shaped."

He smirked.

All of a sudden he bend down, went to his knees and placed a kiss on both cheeks before giving them a firm slap.

The clapping sound made you jump.

A burning feeling started to dance over the skin. But at the same time it only made the lust grow.

The sound of a belt opening reached your ears.

But John didn't just want to get rid of his pants. The shirt was getting tight too.

Truth be told, he had dressed this way to make an impression, to present himself as a man who was serious and professional.

Now he was about to fuck you in an elevator. He's had his fair share of sexual experiences, but he had to admit, this was a first for him.

It felt exciting.

Especially now that you were shivering, begging him to take you, instead of wasting his last nerve.

Taking a deep breath he pulled away, released your neck from his grip and leaned back to open a few buttons of his shirt to give his swollen muscles some space to move.

You didn't dare to change positions.

One wrong move and he'd demolish you.

Again, his hand found your side to guide you towards him. But this time he made sure to spread you a little.

The touch was hot.

The length of his fingers was enough to make you gasp again. And he only pushed in a bit to get you ready.

"You're warm.", he hummed in his sloppy, drunk voice. "Come closer for me, luv."

You obeyed to his request and arched your back.

The tip of his dick pressed against your entrance.

You had to take a sharp breath in.

Teasingly slow, he started to push his hips towards your bottom.

The entrance spread. A slight burning feeling started to circle around the edges.

"Price!", you gasped, eyes squeezed tightly shut, teeth clenched.

All of a sudden, his hips snapped up, while both his hands pulled you back down on him.

His entire dick pushed your walls apart, spreading you.

Tears filled your eyes.

A gasp of surprise escaped you, mixed with a hoarse scream.

"It's John, luv.", he chuckled and breathed a kiss to the top of your head. "Use it."

Catching your breath, you nodded.

"Yes.", you said in a shivering voice.

His dick was huge. The thickness made you feel like it was about to tear you apart.

It burned.

But at the same time it made your middle twitch and drip with excitement.

The tip of him was already swollen a bit.

You could only imagine how much bigger he'd get.

"Yes what?", he asked and wrapped a hand around your throat again to pull you closer.

"Yes... John."

His name send shivers down your spine.

And it seemed like he enjoyed to hear it as well.

A deep breath escaped him as he leaned back and placed the free hand on your side again.

"Good.", he hummed and pulled back only to thrust into you with such force that you arched your back. "Relax, luv. We don't want you to get hurt, don't we? Unless... you ask nicely. If that's what you want."

Tears were shimmering in the corners of your eyes as you dug your nails into the metal of the elevator doors.

"Fuck me, John!", you begged him.

He smirked.

"If you insist, luv."

Captain John Price x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz