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Something wasn't right.

It was just too easy.

There weren't any security checkups, no one who was positioned to stand guard for a long amount of time.

Even if they wanted to make the property look abandoned, they needed to make sure their lines were secured.

But that wasn't the case.

Nobody was around accept this one group of men who walked around the buildings without any kind of proper route or goal.

They were just walking.

As someone who had seen and experienced multiple terror organisations, both from the in- and outside, you immediately knew something was fishy.

With bated breath and your head held low, you crawled around a corner, always using the shadows to make sure that not a single glimpse would give your existence away.

They were nervous.

It was audible in their words, the way the whispered and walked. Every step was hesitant.

There was one leader, a guy, small yet well equipped, who always took the first step.

The other followed like headless chickens.

This wasn't a well put together organisation. Even a blind person could have noticed that they didn't have any military training or background.

Something twitched in the back of your head.

A silent voice started to whisper.

The group stopped again.

Your eyes wandered through the area, over the buildings and got stuck on a window.

You knew that window. It was remarkable, because there was a hole in it, looking like a perfect circle. Out of that circle grew one long twig on which sat an abandoned birds nest.

Your legs twitched.

They had walked this route already.


Something wasn't right.

Out of reflex, you threw a glance back over your shoulder. If you stretched your neck you managed to see the gate on which Price was supposed to wait in the distance.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

The gate was wide open.

Price was gone.

Swallowing a curse, you wanted to jump up and check the situation for yourself.

This had been a terrible rookie mistake.

Partners never left each other unless it was absolutely necessary.

You had abandoned Price and now he was gone.

But before panic could overcome you, you forced yourself to calm the nerves and took a deep breath.

No, Price was a capable man.

Maybe he had managed to find a way inside on his own and was now looking for you.

Your fingers trembled as you turned on the radio again and switched to the channel that was for you and him only.

"Captain to Bravo.", you whispered. "Bravo, where are you?"

A statistic sound filled your ears.

Ten seconds passed.



You clicked the buttons to send a morse code, in case that the audio line was down.

Captain John Price x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now