˚ ༘♡ ·˚Chapter 3₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

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It's a cheerful day for both Tae and Kook because the morning is so great with the birds waking them up , with their mom's perfect food , with the office works which ends pretty soon and now they have more than 1 hour to meet up.

Tae is too excited to meet his soulmate Jimin and maybe someone with almond eyes!

He left his office 2 hrs ago and now he's sitting on his bed and looking at his wardrobe choosing what he should wear but he feels like nothing matches him. One is too fancy , one is just normal , one is professional blah blah blah was going in his mind now.

After a eternity he chose a vneck pastel pink sweater with a light blue ripped jean.
He can't describe how nervous he is but still managed to dress up , applied his lip balms (he well damn knows he's lips will go dry once he see him👀) , combed his strawberry smelled hair and gave a smile to himself.

He checked his outfit then got out reached his car and checked whether he got all the gifts inside his car which he bought yesterday!

Don't worry he sure got one for Kook too😏

Tae started driving to the destiny as he was listening to music . He hummed a lillte but his thoughts are going somewhere else that is about his friends.

After 20 mins of driving he reached the cafe of Jin and Jimin "MOONLIGHT CAFE". Tae smiled, got all the presents in his hand and went inside as the door bell dinged.

Jin and jimin already closed the cafe because who tf wants to work when their friends arrive.

As soon as the bell dinged jimin jumped from the chair and ran towards the door only to freeze in the spot . He can't believe he finally met Tae . His eyes beamed with tears as he approached Tae.

"TAE" , was all jimin said before he could say anything Tae landed on him and hugged the hell out of him. Both didn't know when they started crying. They waited for this moment,to be in e/o arms.

Jimin kissed Tae's temples and all over his faces which made Tae chuckle. Well damn he's not a kid but sure he loves his Jimin after all. Then Tae did the same towards Jimin but that made jimin cry even harder.

"3 yrs Tae 3 fucking yrs! You have no idea how much I missed you" , Jimin said while hiccupping .

"Chim! You missed me like I did too. Look at me I'm right in front of you now and I'm not going anywhere ok?", Tae lifted Jimins's face and made him look at him . Tae can bare anything but seeing chim cry is the last thing he wanted . Tae wiped his tears and kissed his forehead before waking to others.

Tae then realized that everyone except that sharp jaw man is present . This made him a lillte bit upset but that didn't last long because of hobi's smile.

Hoseok stood up , hugged him and kissed his hair. We all know that Tae is a baby for all right!

And then Tae hugged and shared a little talk with Namjoon and Yoongi too.

They were happily chatting forgot about the outer world. For them this moment is precious.

Their heads swipped up to the direction of the door as they heard the door bell. They know it's their bunny boy.

Jungkook smiled at them and walked towards them but when his eyes landed on Tae his heart beat raised up a speed. He's scared that others might hear his heart beat. He had his hand on his heart while reaching them.

"Kook, are u ok?" , Jin asked when he saw Jungkook hands on his heart.

"Hyung um nothing I'm perfectly alright", he said and hugged everyone happily.





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