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"Where is he?" Vali asked as he walked onto the farm. He was staring at a young man Vidar told him about. Bjorn. The boy must not have heard him because he just kept staring at Vali's wolf, Fenris. "Bjorn!" That made him focus. "Where is my brother, Vidar?"

The boy's eyes widened. "In the house." He pointed to the house. "Are you-"

"Vali." He said as he walked by. Fenris followed closely and guarded the door once he got inside. He first saw the woman, Lagertha, holding Hakon. She looked up at him and scowled.

"Who are you?"

"Mother, it's Vali!" Bjorn said excitedly.

"I am here to see Vidar." Vali explained.

Lagertha looked nervous but led him to the corner of the house where Vidar was resting. He also found Jareth holding Skadi.

"How long has he been like this?" Vali asked. His brother laid there just staring up at the ceiling, completely unaware of what was going on.

"A few days." Lagertha answered. Vali looked at her and saw that she moved all of the children behind her.

"How did this happen?"

"We were attacked a few nights ago. He used his gifts to save my daughter."

Vali's face grew a worried look. "The night of the new moon?" Lagertha nodded and Vali turned to glare at his unconscious brother. "You fucking fool."

"What's wrong with him?" Gyda asked.

Vali sighed. "I don't even know how he was able to use his gifts." Then he narrowed his eyes. "Did he give any of you an idol?"

"Yes, he gave Gyda and I each one."

"Did you used it?" The girl nodded. "Fuck."

"What's wrong?" Gyda asked.

"In some ways Vidar's gifts are tied to the moon. They control the tides, and he gets his gifts from the water. He is strongest on the full moon and is able to completely control water or any other liquid. On the new moon he shouldn't be able to use his gifts at all." Vali explains. "The idols he gave you had a portion of his power. When you threw it in water, he was filled with a powerful surge with whatever gave him his gifts. He is supposed to gain them back gradually during the moon cycle."

"It's my fault?" The girl said sadly.

"No. Trust me little one, Vidar would be more upset if you didn't throw it in the water." Vali gave the girl a soft smile and she cheered up a bit. "He will be fine. But if I had to guess, he won't wake up until the next new moon, when his gift is gone again."

Lagertha nodded and took a sigh of relief. "But, what about his trident? He can call it at will even when he is not near water."

Vali smiled proudly. "It's designed that way. Like Thor's hammer can be called back to him, the trident is connected to him." He looked at his sleeping nephews and smiled. "Can I hold them?" Lagertha didn't move but Jareth walked over and handed Skadi over to him. The first thing he noticed was that he was colder than before. "Huh?"

"What?" Lagertha asked worriedly. Vali noticed Bjorn give his mother a weird look.

"Skadi is colder. It's becoming winter soon, is it not?" Vali asked.

"It is."

Vali laughed. "Then I guess this little one also has a gift." He then heard footsteps coming into the house.

"Who is this?" Ragnar asked.

"I am Vali, God of Vengeance. You must be Ragnar."

"I am. It is an honor to have you within our home." Ragnar responds.

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now