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Paris. Seeing the magnificent city through the fog was something out of a dream. Vidar has lived through centuries and centuries, but nothing compared to the city he was seeing now. "Woah." A small voice said from beside him. He looked down and saw Sif on the edge of the boat with him, just as in awe of the city as her father was. "We're going there?"

"We are. Do you want to turn back?" Vidar asks.

"N-no." The girl says shakily. "I'm fine." Vidar didn't really believe her, but he trusted her enough to know she will tell him if she can't handle it.

"Ok." Vidar nodded to her. "You have everything?"

Sif patted her small swords, her bag of supplies that were filled food and herbs for healing, and then the totem Vidar gave her to alert him. "Yes."

Vidar smiled down at her and kissed the crown of her head. "Love you Sif."

"Love you too father." She said with smile.

The horn blew from Ragnar's ship, alerting them to dock and make camp. "You stay by either me or your mother."

"I know."

Vidar looked at his daughter again and sighed. "You're a lot like your mother." Sif smiled proudly, as she should, and stood a little straighter. "That also terrifies me."


"Take this firewood over to the eastern tents." One man ordered her. Sif took it without question, even though she was exhausted. The princess has never worked this hard in her life, and when she tried to tell people that she was a princess and didn't need to work, the men just laughed.

One man pointed to her father who was digging a trench, covering himself with dirt and mud, looking the exact opposite of how a king should look. That same man said, "You either work, or you don't eat."

So, Sif worked. And it was hell. It was easier than what the other people were doing, just taking things and taking the somewhere else, but it was still hard.

"You ok?" Sif looked up and saw her mother looking down at her.

"Yeah. Is it always this hard?"

Her mother just laughed lightly and walked with her. "It gets much harder when you grow." That only caused the princess to groan. "Don't worry you'll get there."

"How do you know?"

Lagertha smiles. "You're just like me."

"Father said the same thing, that and it terrifies him."

"As it should." Lagertha jokes. Then she grows serious and gives Sif a sad smile. "You should go get ready to leave."

Sif sucked in a breath and nodded her head stiffly. She then wordlessly handed the firewood over to her mother and left to get ready.


Vidar stared at Ragnar as he held a snake in one hand and a rat in the other. He knew the death of Aethelstan hit him hard, but now his friend has been... odd for the past few days. "Can you keep the Earls in line while Sif and I are in there?" Vidar asked.

"I can only do so much." Ragnar tells him. "But I will do my best." The snake then turns and hisses at Ragnar, And Ragnar hisses back.

Vidar closes his eyes and doesn't open them until Floki walked inside the tent. Vidar and Ragnar both knew he killed Aethelstan, and the only reason Ragnar hasn't punished him yet was because he was still needed for the raid. "I'll leave you two alone."

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now