Brother's War

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Vidar chose not to fight in Ragnar's battles with Jarl Borg. He would have rather sided with Jarl Borg over King Horik, but Ragnar already chose, And Vidar won't fight against his brother. He decided to stay in Kattegat and help the people here recover from the illness. He worked in the fields or took a fishing boat out alone and came back with dozens of fish. It didn't hurt that he used his gift a little.

He also went around to neighboring towns and villages that were overpopulated and told the Earls and Jarls that Kattegat had space. He took Gyda on these diplomatic trips. Vidar and Lagertha found that Gyda is not as passionate in fighting as Bjorn and Jareth are. Lagertha was the one to suggest it, so Vidar took Gyda to a village called Hedeby for a trade agreement.

There, the two and the small war band Vidar gathered and walked to the long house to meet a man named Sigvard.

Hedeby looked to be a poor village. The people there were scrawny due to lack of food. The buildings were falling apart, and some were abandoned. There were hardly any animals around and the ones that Vidar could see were slowly dying. There was not a single warrior around. Just farmers and their families that looked hollow.

Then he walked into the long house and saw something completely different. Men talking and laughing. They all had large belly's and wore fine clothes. The table was filled with golden cups and the men exchanged jewelry like it was nothing. The hall was lined with women that wore revealing clothes. They looked sad and broken. A second later the door opened to reveal a man closing the bindings of his pants, then a woman with a bruised face and a limp that walked to an empty corner of the room.

A man walked towards Vidar, and he looked at Gyda like a piece of meat. "Are you here to sell this one to the Earl?" He tried to reach out for her, but Gyda hid behind Vidar's leg. "Ah, a shy one. Don't worry, we'll pay good for a ride." He said with a smirk.

Vidar turned around and looked towards one of his men. "Knox, take Gyda out and wait for me." He ordered. The man nodded and as he walked closer to take Gyda's hand and leave.

"I thought you were going to sell her?" The man said.

Vidar turned to the man and gave him a fake smile. "Just giving Knox one last ride. You know how it is." Vidar's stomach churned just saying that.

The man laughed and nodded his head. "Come let us meet the Earl."

Vidar followed the man and sat down in front of the earl. He was an older man with light gray hair and a short bushy beard. "Who might you be?"

"Vidar." Once people heard his name the room fell silent.

Sigvard leaned forward. "You are Vidar? The one who sailed west or the God?"

Vidar smirked at the old man. "Couldn't it be both?"

Sigvard chuckles a little and leans back again. "Why are you here?"

"I came on behalf of Kattegat. We were struck with an illness and found ourselves in need of people and trade to help us rebuild." Vidar explains.

"You have my sympathies, Vidar." Sigvard says. "It is getting late. Perhaps we could talk in the morning?"

"Of course." Vidar stood up and looked at all the women in the hall. "Perhaps I could have some company tonight?"

Sigvard smiles. "Take which one you want."

"All of them." Vidar says. The men laughed as if Vidar was joking. "I'll pay for whatever loss of... entertainment you lose for tonight. But I wish for all of them to join me." Vidar then left the hall and returned moments later with his trident. "Here." He handed it out to the earl.

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now