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The home of King Horik truly was beautiful, Vidar had to admit. It was a town surrounded by a river that was used as a moat. He could see some remaining ships used for defense or evacuation, finely made to the point Floki would have some competition.

The homes were well made and looked clean on strong foundations. It had high wooden walls with towers on each corner. The town seemed bustling with people and trade, but Vidar saw no farms, or a forest around. No small boats for fishing, and mountains around for mining. The land Horik was fighting Jarl Borg over must be somewhere further. 

But there were no resources made here. They relied of trade. Vidar smiled at the prospect of this. It meant that they had to buy whatever supplies they needed, using the minerals they got from the disputed lands they won. They must have a stockpile here, ripe for the taking. And if they were to burn down those ships, they wouldn't be able to get the minerals. 

They would be destroyed soon, and with it being the middle of summer they wouldn't have enough time to grow anything. And the closest towns were large farming ones. Including Hedeby.

Vidar will take their gold and people in less than a month. And they will take the disputed lands before winter begins. And what will Horik do once he realizes who truly took the land.

He chuckled a little and turned to his family. Lagertha was now Brita, Bjorn was Olaf, and Jareth was Knut. Vidar was now known as Haraldson. He found some irony in the name he chose.

They wore black and orange colors, the colors used by Jarl Borgs men. It was only the four of them for this raid. Astrid is behind to help Thyri and Gyda with the little ones, and Knox was for defense of Hedeby.

They made it to the gates and stood proud on the back of their horses. They got dirty looks from the locals, which was good. He needed the people to blame Borg. The rode to the longhouse. A large palace made of wood and stone. It had the skull of a whale above its front doors and pretty flowers leading towards the door. There was a woman standing out front. An older woman with a beautiful face and long blond hair and light blue eyes.

Her name was Gunnhild. A legendary Shield-Maiden and King Horik's queen. "Halt!" She ordered in a commanding voice. "Who are you?"

Vidar dismounted and walked towards her. She rested her hand on her sword while the rest of the men around her pulled out their weapons.

"You didn't get the message?" Vidar, or Haraldson asks. "Horik broke his deal with my cousin, Jarl Borg. As insurance he asked for my family and I to come here." He could see a mirror hanging in a tree and he saw himself.

Bragi helped him with charmed necklaces that changed their appearance. Vidar now had pale skin and blond hair, Jareth does as well. Lagertha has Black hair now, the same for Bjorn. Their faces have changed as well but it's odd to look at for him.

"Why would my husband break his oath to Jarl Borg?" Gunnhild asks.

"He didn't trust my cousin." Vidar answers. "Borg just told us to come here to appease the king. I am Haraldson. This is my wife Brida and my sons, Olaf and Knut."

"I am Queen Gunnhild, I welcome you to Jelling."

"It is an honor to meet you, my lady." He says with a slight bow.

"Come. You must be weary from your travels."

Vidar nodded and looked to his family. They dismounted and followed him inside. He looked at the long tables around the throne and the tapestries that looked like they were made by the Gods themselves. But he smiled at the center piece in the middle of the room. A small statue of a wolf head above a pool of water. "What is this?"

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now