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Vidar, Ragnar, and the rest of the warband were tasked by King Horik to go to Gotland, Sweden and talk to a man named Jarl Borg. It was over some trade agreement that didn't work out for the king, so Ragnar and Vidar were tasked to make the deal favorable for the king.

Vidar honestly didn't want to be here. He wanted to be back at Kattegat where he could talk to Thyri about her time in Uppsala. He wanted to see his little ones and play with them. Make them squeal in delight each time they see his face. He wanted Lagertha.

He also misses Leif, his friend. He was sacrificed to the gods at Uppsala. Ragnar brought the Christian to be the sacrifice, but his God finally came through for once and kept the coward alive.

Now they stood in Jarl Borgs Hall. Wet and cold due to the rains that plagued this place. Vidar wasn't troubled by either, but Jareth and Bjorn were. He wrapped his cloak around Bjorn and held Jareth close to him to keep him warm.

"Why don't they let us dry ourselves and get warm?" Floki asks. "If I stay like this I will rust."

"What kind of fellow is this, Jarl Borg?" Rollo wonders out loud. "This is no way to treat guests, whoever they are."

"We are not guests to him." Vidar tells them. "To him, we are the men sent by the king to take something from him. We're his enemies."

Jarl Borg then looks to them and waves them over to the fire. The warband walks forward and huddles round the fire as Jarl Borg's men smirk at their misery. "Are you the emissaries from King Horik?" Nobody says anything. "Well, I can tell you at once you're wasting your time. It's my land and I want it returned to me. That's all I have to say."

"He wants to make peace with you." Ragnar says. "And come to some kind of agreement."

"Then tell him if he leaves my land, we can have peace." Borg tells them. "But not before."

Ragnar smiles. "How can you make peace, Jarl Borg, if you insist on humiliating him?"

"If I invade and defeat him, will he not be even more humiliated?" Borg asks. Vidar sees his point, and every second he's here he can see Borg's reasoning.

"Not if he fights well." Ragnar states. "In any case, I am sure that he would relish a fight."

Borg taps his cup on the table a few times before getting up and walking towards them. "What's your name?"

"Ragnar Lothbrok."

"You are Ragnar Lothbrok, the one who sailed west?" Borg asks with a smile. Then he turns to Vidar. "You must be the one who was captured by that English king."

"I let them take me. It was much more interesting." Vidar stated. "I am surprised you heard of us."

Borg laughs as if it was a joke. "How are you surprised? everyone had heard of the exploits of Ragnar Lothbrok and Vidar." The two of them just stare at Jarl Borg. "Why have we not offered our guests dry clothes and food? Treat these folk well." He says before walking off. "We will talk again tomorrow."


She sees Lagertha push the bowl of food. She's barely eaten in three days. Thyri isn't sure if it's because of the child she lost or because her father is gone. Most likely both. Not to mention the girls are constantly crying now which keeps them all awake. Thyri has to take the twins to Erik's old home just so they can get some sleep.

"You haven't eaten in three days." Gyta says softly. Lagertha looks a little hurt to see Gyda's worry so she takes a small sip of her stew. She then puts the spoon down and goes back to her saddened look. "You see?"

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now