A King's Ransom

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Vidar was put in charge of his own ship this time. Floki made two more boats for the raid much to Vidar's enjoyment. He sailed the one in the back which was named Runestone. Vidar carved some runes that translated into the names of his crew and the names of their families. Vidar will add more or take them away if need be.

They were now sailing up the Tyne River in Northumbria. Vidar saw a small hut, made of dirt and sticks that was home to a great many sheep. Vidar wondered why they didn't use the surrounding forests to help make wooden huts.

He looked at the scenery in hopes to take his mind off the raven-haired woman in his dream. He had a feeling this raid won't end up as glorious for him as it does for the rest of his companions.

They docked soon at a small clearing by the river. Almost immediately everyone started to work on setting up camp. Vidar was tasked with hunting around the area when he heard a stick snap behind him.

Vidar turned around and saw four guards behind him. They all looked equally angry and terrified. "Hello." He said politely. "How are you?"

"He's a Northman." One of them whispered to the captain.

"I am. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't act like I'm not here." Vidar says. "You are the captain?"

"I am. Is your camp nearby?"

"No idea." Vidar says.

"We should kill him." One of them says.

"You can try." Vidar says as he leans against a tree. Then an idea pops into his head. "Do you all work under the king? It's... Allea, right?"

"Yes we serve directly under him."

Vidar's eyes then sparkle with mischief. "My name is Vidar, I am one of the leaders of the raid here. I would like to speak with King Alle."

The four men looked a little confused and the captain stepped forward a little. "You want to come with us?"

Vidar chuckled. "I do." He then looked at the two guards that hadn't said anything yet. "Here take my trident." He hands it over and the man falls to the ground once he holds it. "Careful, it's heavy. Now, take that east and give it to Ragnar, he knows your language as well so he will understand. Tell him I am meeting with the king and will be back shortly."

The two guards look at the captain who nods his head. The two sigh and it takes the both of them to drag the trident over to the camp. "Come this way, Vidar."



They made it Allea's home before sundown. He was taken to the hall where Vidar saw the king himself. He was a large man with a large gut that showed how wealthy he really was. He wore black furs to compliment his black hair and beard. "So, this is Vidar." The king said with a booming voice.

"Vidar can speak for himself." He revealed. Vidar stepped forward, ignoring the guards grabbing their swords. "I would like to talk with you." Vidar looked around the table and saw a young boy, most likely Allea's son. "This is your boy? I have three sons at home." Vidar said.

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a wooden figurine of a man holding a bow. "I made this for my eldest son. He likes the archers the most." Vidar holds it out for the boy.

"Thank you." The boy said shyly.

"Go to your mother." Allea said to his son. Vidar followed the boy with his eyes and saw him run to a woman with raven hair and sea green eyes. Vidar smiled kindly at her which caused her cheeks to glow red before taking her son away. "Why have you come here so willingly?" Allea asks.

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now