Boneless and Voiceless

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He held his newest son in his arms before he left with the men, named Arkyn. His son who was like Skadi in the sense he looked nothing like his parents. He had grey eyes and a brown patch of hair. And he was silent. Completely silent. He never cried or giggled or anything. He still smiled and did the giggling motions or would grimace as if crying. But nothing came out.

Lagertha was with him at all times because they had to guess what he wanted. So that meant she spent a little less time with the little ones, and that time was taken over by Gunnhild. Vidar had mixed feeling about that, but he has been too busy planning his attack on Jelling to focus on his feelings.

Then there was Kalf who showed up. He was a tall man, almost as tall as Vidar with long brown hair. He seemed nice if not a little green. Vidar has been calling him white shirt on the account he hasn't gotten any blood on the fine clothes he wears, much to Thyri's annoyance.

Thyri and Kalf had gotten close during his month in Hedeby. And Vidar hated it. They were all eating now to welcome Bjorn back home. He was sent by Ragnar to let them know they will be planning a raid on Wessex.

Vidar has agreed to go. If Vidar agrees then he can keep an eye on Horik, but the condition was to only bring sixty men while the rest stay in Hedeby.

Lagertha would not be joining them. She preferred to stay with Arkyn, so Vidar is going with Jareth and Bjorn to England.


"Shouldn't we go to Gotaland?" Jareth asked as they walked into Kattegat.

"No. Right now, they are having an all-out brawl on who gets what." Vidar explains. "Once they are done with that and they are at its weakest is when we will go."

Jareth nodded. "And would I be a Jarl or Earl?"

"Sweds call them Jarls." Vidar says.

"But I am Norse."

"And they will only see you as Norse if you call yourself Earl Jareth. Calling yourself Jarl Jareth will show them you are willing to work with them." Vidar explains.

They walked into the long house and saw King Horik there. "Earl Vidar!" He yells cheerfully.

"Horik." Vidar says.

"It's King Horik." Herlander spits out.

Vidar rolls his eyes and smiles when Siggy walks in. "Siggy!" He yells happily and pulls her into a hug. "I hear I have a new nephew."

"You do." Siggy doesn't sound so happy. "Aslaug wants to see you."

Vidar nodded and left the room. "Tell Ragnar my ships will be here soon." He says before walking towards the room. "Princess?" Vidar calls out once he walks inside.

"Over here." She answers. She is laying down in bed holding her new child. 

"Siggy made it seem like this was important." Vidar says walking forward.

"It is." She said sadly. She lifted the blanket up and showed him her son's legs. They were deformed. Bent in different ways and skinny as a stick. "Can you help him?"

Vidar sighed and looked closer at the legs. "I'm sorry, Aslaug. There is nothing I can do." He says softly.

Aslaug looks like she is going to cry. "You're a God."

"But not all powerful." He tells her. "I assume you don't want to leave him." She shakes her head. "Then I suggest you try to make his life as easy as possible. Farmer's leave children like this in the woods because they don't have the means to care for them. But you are a princess. You can give him a life that means something." He looks down at the boy and smiles. "What's his name?"

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