Blood Eagle

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"How many men do we have joining us?" Vidar asked.

"We have sixty of our own and forty more from the surrounding villages." Knox answers. 

Vidar nods as he looks out the window. The winter has been harsh so far, but the people of Hedeby have thrived so far. Lagertha is due to give birth any day now and the elf from Freya is here to help them.

Erik has been back to normal. He's usually running around and playing with the twins. Skadi has been extra clingy to him and Hakon has birds flying around the village all the time. Valarie has been hanging around Vidar more as well, it wasn't so unusual but still Vidar worries about her new gift. Sif meanwhile has been with Astrid, helping her guard Gunnhild. Lagertha finds it adorable to see her with a wooden sword, standing guard.

"There is more, My Lord." Knox says. "We have received word from a man named Sven. He is an old man from a nearby town."

"What did he want?" Vidar asks.

"An alliance. He has no sons or daughters himself. But he does have a nephew, Kalf. He wants to marry him to one of your daughters. Either Thyri or Gyda." 

Vidar grunted. "And what do I get in return?"

"His and his nephews' loyalty." Knox says. "He has thirty men he can call on." 

Vidar grits his teeth. "And this... Kalf, what is he like?"

"I never met him, My Lord." 

Vidar nodded. "Send word that I would like to meet Kalf before I agree to anything."

"Yes, My lord." Knox says with a bow before leaving.

"Father." Sif said walking behind him. Vidar turns and sees her leading Gunnhild to him. "Lady Gunnhild wishes to speak to you."

Vidar tries not to laugh and keeps a straight face. "Thank you, Lady Sif." He says with a small bow. Sif smiles widely and runs off, leaving Vidar to silently coo at his little shield-maiden.

"Your daughter is adorable." Gunnhild told him. "She was practicing those lines on the way here."

Vidar chuckled. "What did you wish to talk about?"

"Sif had us wait until you were done talking to your man to walk over here. I wanted to ask you what you plan to do with Kalf." 

"Why is that any concern of yours?"

"Because I hate my father for forcing me to marry someone I loathe." She explains. "I don't want to see that happen to you and your daughters."

Vidar nods. "It won't. I will not marry Kalf to Thyri unless she agrees."

"You already decided on the match?"

"I have. Jareth is my adopted son, and Gyda is the daughter of Lagertha and Ragnar. They will marry and get Gotaland. Thyri is the only daughter that is still eligible, as of right now." Vidar explains.

"You're ok with sending her away?" She asks. 

"No, she will be the Earl of Hedeby with Kalf." Vidar tells her. "One of my younger sons will get Svens place when he dies."

Gunnhild's eyes widen. "And what about you?"

"Lagertha and I will take Jelling form Horik." Vidar reveals.

"T -That is my home."

"Was your home." Vidar corrects. 

"The people won't follow you." Gunnhild says.

"You told me they have no love for Horik a few days ago."

"But they are loyal to me." She tells him. "You swore that you and your people will not harm me." Vidar closed his eyes in frustration. "There may be another way without further bloodshed or a raid on Jelling."

"And that is?" Vidar asks.

"You take me as a second wife."

"No." Vidar says immediately before walking away to his room. There he found Lagertha lying down in bed. "I just had a talk with Gunnhild."

"You did?" She asks while rubbing her belly with a smile. Vidar sits next to her and places his hand on her belly as well. He smiled when the baby started to kick.

"She said that we can take Jelling over without bloodshed."

"How?" Lagertha sits up a bit.

"If I take her as a second wife." Vidar tells her. "I told her no, of course but-"

"Why?" Lagertha asked.

Vidar cocked his head to the side. "Why what?"

"Why did you say no?"

Vidar looked even more confused until he cracked a smile. "This is a test." He chuckles a little and leans in to kiss her. "I said no because I love you."

Lagertha put her hand on his mouth, and he whimpered a bit. "We should talk about it." Vidar stood up from the bed and started to pace the room. 

"Is this another test?"

"There is no test!" Lagertha says while chuckling.

Vidar just got even more confused. And then he burst out laughing. "You want to fuck her." 

Lagertha's eyes widened. "I do not!"

"It makes since. You said she was beautiful last month. And then I see you looking at her ass sometimes." His eyes widened. "Have you fucked her already?"

Lagertha glared at him. "How could you ask something like that?"

"Should I remind you how we got together?" Vidar asked with a smirk. "So, have you?"

"No, I have not." Lagertha grits out.

"You almost sound disappointed." Vidar jokes. He walks over and flops himself on the bed. "Do you want to?" Lagertha doesn't answer and Vidar sighs. "I won't be offended if you do."

"I don't know." She admits.

"I love you, Lagertha." Vidar says. "Do you love me?"

Lagertha snaps her gaze over to him with a worried look. "You know I do."

"The please be honest."

She sighs. "If we can take Jelling and get the people's loyalty with a marriage then we should do it."

"Weren't you mad at Ragnar for suggesting something like this?" Vidar asks.

"He didn't want to talk about it at all. He wanted the both of us and didn't even try to consult me. And when I refused, he told me she was staying anyway." Lagertha tells him. "Now I have a choice in the matter, and I know you haven't done anything yet."

Vidar nods his head. "I'm still not sure." He admits. "I married you because I love you and I wanted you to be the mother of my children."

"We only have two children together, Vidar. But that doesn't change how we feel about them. They are all our children." Lagertha says. "As for love. Did you love me when we first met?"


"How did we come to be?"

"We fought together, lived together, then we got drunk, and Sif was the outcome." Vidar recounts with a soft smile.

"You fought with Gunnhild against Borg. She has lived here for some time."

"So, I should get her drunk and get her pregnant?" Vidar asks.

Lagertha giggles. "You should try to start something with her. Try to start a relationship."

Vidar chuckles. "I'm getting relationship advice from my wife."

"Who better?" Lagertha jokes.

Vidar chuckles and holds her closer. "We will talk more once the baby is born."

Lagertha nods her head in agreement and snuggles closer into his shoulder. Just as he was about to sleep the door opened and in walked the elf carrying the decorated basket Vidar made.  

"It's time for the baby."

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now