The Lord's Prayer

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He woke when Erik started to kick in his sleep. It's only been a week since their return, so his children have been extra clingy, especially Skadi and Valarie. They have been sleeping in their parents bed every night, and even though he loves his children, they can be a real pain in the ass when he and Lagertha want to spend some time alone.

He rolled over, making Skadi and Valarie fall to the bed, and got dressed. He would be leaving again today for Jelling with Gunnhild and then to the mineral lands to take them from Horik. Nearly all responsibilities have been passed over to Thyri and Kalf who have been running Hedeby.

After the first shipment of minerals have been sent to England, Vidar, Jareth, and Gyda will go to Gotaland to take it for their own as well.

Lagertha also woke up and carefully left the bed and gently placed Sif where she once was. She went to Arkyn and went to her chair to breast feed him. "Do you have to leave so soon?"

Vidar sighed and walked over to his wife. "I wish I didn't have to, but Horik is distracted by Ragnar right now. It is better to move now." Lagertha still looked upset, and Vidar kissed her forehead. "It will still be some time until Jareth and I leave for Gotaland. And the next time we see each other, you will be a queen, and our children, princes and princesses."

Lagertha smiled a bit and looked at their brood still asleep on their bed. "Are you having second thoughts?" She asks.

"Are you?" 

"No, we spent a lot of time together while you were gone." Lagertha tells him. "And more importantly, she is good with the children."

Vidar nods. "Ok, then I will keep it as planned." He kisses her again and then cocks his head. "What do you mean by 'a lot of time?'"

Lagertha smirks at him. "Do you want stories?"

Vidar smiled widely. "Maybe later, my love."

He walks out of the room and sees Jareth and Gyda together in the woods. Soon the two would be married and then leave. He wasn't looking forward to that.

"Vidar." He turned and saw Gunnhild there. "All the men are ready. We are waiting on you."

Vidar nodded and walked back to his room where his children were starting to wake up. Skadi saw him in the clothes he uses for traveling and started to tear up. Vidar smiled sadly and pulled all of his little ones into a hug. "I will be back soon, I promise."

"I can go with you." Hakon said and Sif nodded eagerly.

"You said we were getting better." Sif recounted.

"You are." Vidar agreed. "That's why I need you to stay here and protect your mother and little brothers." Then he looked to Valarie and Skadi. "You two make sure the others are taken care of. Can you all do that?"

They all nod and Erik perks up. "What about me?"

Vidar smiles. "Do you remember those stories I told you? About Odin and Thor and Tyr?" Erik nodded. "I need you to tell those to Arkyn."

Erik smiled and nodded his head. "I can do that."

Vidar smiled and kissed each of their foreheads. "Father?" Valarie asked. "I wanted to talk to you."

Vidar nodded and lifted her up. "What about?" He asks while walking out of the room.

"I heard someone saw that Ragnar's son is hurt."

Vidar grimaced a little he. "He is... why do you want to know?"

"I can help him." Valarie said.

"No." Vidar shot that down immediately. "He does not need any help."

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