The Usurper

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He walked into the long house at Jelling to see Valarie, Sif, and Skadi playing with Juni. Their backs were turned away, so Vidar creeped forward and sat behind them. Juni saw he father behind her siblings and squealed in delight.

The other three turned around and saw their father and brothers behind them. "Father!" They all yell and rush him while Vidar chuckles and pulls the three of them into a hug. 

"I missed you all so much." Vidar said softly.

"Where's mother?" Sif asks.

Vidar rolls his eyes with a smile. "She will be here soon. The boys had an emergency and I had to come home quickly. Go welcome them back." The three nodded and they rushed their brothers. Skadi going towards his twin, Valarie towards Erik, and Sif towards Arkyn.

Vidar meanwhile picked up Juni and held his youngest child close to his chest. "Hello little one." Juni reached up and grabbed his nose, so Vidar puffed out his cheeks making her giggle. 

"Vidar?" He looked up and saw Gunnhild looking at him. She breathes a sigh of relief and rushed towards him. "I was worried." She said while hugging him.

Vidar hugged her back and kissed her softly. "Worried about me or Arkyn?"

Gunnhild's eyes widen and looks behind him to see Arkyn. "You!" Vidar turned to see his youngest son turn as while as a ghost.

"Good luck son." Vidar said while taking Juni away. 

Valarie followed him and held his free hand. "Why did you come back early?"

Vidar looked down at her and gave her a sad smile. "Siggy died." Valarie froze and looked up at him. "She died saving Ubbe and Hvitserk from a frozen lake."

"Oh." Valarie said softly.

He crouched down to her level and looked her in the eyes. "She is with her husband now."

"What about Thyri?"

"I went to Hedeby first to let her know in person." He explained. Valarie nodded and sniffled a bit, so Vidar pulled her into a hug. "Come on, I need a nap." He stood up and led her over to his room. He placed Juni in her crib beside the bed and flopped into bed. Valarie climbed into bed as well and placed her head on his shoulder right as the rest of the hellions walked inside.

They all wordlessly climbed into bed and surrounded his father so he couldn't get up. He smiled softly as he closed his eyes, feeling safe with all his little ones with him. Safe and sound.


Vidar has been home for a few days now. Lagertha has returned, so now Sif is latched onto her all the time, and they sent ten boats of men and their families to Babenberg.

Now he was at a meeting with a man from Kattegat. "He wants to go to Paris?" Vidar asks while pacing around the room. "One of the largest cities known to us?"

"Yes." The man answers. "King Ragnar wants Jelling, as well as Gotaland and Hedeby to join him."

"That still may not be enough." Vidar answers. "Unless we take every man with us." He took a deep breath. "I will speak to Ragnar myself and discuss the details with him. Tell him I will go to him before winter is over."

The man nodded and left leaving Vidar alone in the hall to think. Small footsteps sounded behind him and once he turned, he found Erik walking towards him. "You know what's going to happen?" Vidar asks. He lifts his son up to stand on the table so he can look his son in the eye.

"Yeah." Erik says softly. "Bad things are going to happen there."

Vidar sighed and nodded. "I figured." He rested his hands on his son's shoulders. "Do you see everything?"

"I think so." Erik says. "They just come randomly."

"Do you want me to find out how to stop them?"

"No." Erik says quickly. "I see a lot of good things to."


Eriks smiled softly. "I see a girl."

Vidar gasped. "A girl?"

Erik blushed and nodded. "She's very pretty."

"Do you know her name?" Vidar asks.

"Her name is Freydis. She will be a good friend in the future." Erik tells him.

Vidar smiled and chuckled. "I'm glad." He kissed his son's forehead. "If you ever want the visions to stop let me know."

"I will, father."

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now