The Dead

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The Franks came once again with the gold and silver that was promised to the kings. Bjorn, Lagertha, and Rollo were the ones to greet the captain while Vidar stood off near the woods with Sif. He used a knife to cut an apple for him and his daughter and he could faintly hear the captain threaten all of them to leave.

Vidar just smiled hoped this will all be over soon. He missed his other children and he wanted to get Sif home, but she was like her mother and wouldn't leave until they won. 

Once the guards left the men ran towards the cart of chests and broke them open. They were cheering and throwing the coins up in the air. "Are we going home soon?" Sif asked.

Vidar shook his head. "Not yet. Ragnar is sick, once he gets better then we will head back home."

He then kissed his daughters head and walked towards Ragnar's tent. There he could hear his old friend coughing and moaning in pain. "You sound like shit." Ragnar rolled over and Vidar hissed at the sight of him. "Look like it to."

Ragnar scoffed and laid down on his back. "Did they bring it?"

"Yeah." Vidar sat at the foot of the bed. "They're all excited and want to leave."

Ragnar hummed and spat some blood onto the floor. "Good. Then we wait."

Vidar nodded and patted his friend's leg. Rollo came in and looked at his brother with pity. "I'll leave you too alone." He left the tent and found Bjorn waiting for him. "You know?"

"He told me earlier." Bjorn said.

"Good. Make sure you are there for your mother." Vidar told him.

"Do you think she will care?" Bjorn asked. 

"Ragnar gave her you and your sister." Vidar points out. "She may not love him like she loves me, but he gave her two precious gifts. She will always have love for him."

Bjorn nodded and walked into the tent to see his father while Vidar went back to Sif and Lagertha. "I cannot believe that Ragnar is truly a Christian." Lagertha said as her husband walked into the room. "Not in his heart."

Lagertha, Rollo, Floki, and the remaining earls saw Ragnar be baptized in the river a few days before the gold came. Ragnar's decision caused a large rift to be felt throughout the camp. "You all saw what you saw."

"And yet you still visit him." Lagertha says. "You nearly killed Rollo when he converted but when Ragnar does it you still care about him."

Vidar smiled at his wife's intelligence and kissed her softly on the lips. "Rollo did not want it to change him, Ragnar does. And he's dying, I owe him a lot and I promised to watch over his sons when he is gone. That is all."


When night fell the camp was loud with celebration. There was Frankish wine and ale swathing around the camp, the men were laughing or fighting, or laughing while fighting. Vidar heard a man howling while beating a drum, while fire dancers twirled around the camp.

Bjorn was with Ragnar, wanting to spend as much time as he can with him before the plan is enacted. Vidar meanwhile sat at the fireplace with his daughter in his lap. Sif watched the dancers and singers with wonder in her eyes. She then let out a yawn causing Lagertha to chuckle. "It's getting late. She should sleep."

Vidar instead grabbed his flagon of ale and handed it to his daughter. "Here, little one."

"Vidar she's too young." Lagertha grabbed it out of their daughters' hands.

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