The Profit and the Loss (Part I)

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"The river Seine curves and twists until we reach Paris. But there is a part of the river that is mostly straight. Chances are that is where Rollo's navy will meet us, so the fortress with the chain is somewhere around here, a few miles away." Vidar explained to the war meeting. They sat at a circular table, looking up at Vidar as he explained the plan.

Harald Finehair, his brother Halfdan, Ragnar, Jareth, Bjorn, and Hakon all sat at the table with the rest of Vidar's children sitting off to the side.

"As far as we know, Rollo doesn't know that we have information on his defenses." Vidar turned to Hakon. "Hakon, you and Harold will attack the northern tower, keep them busy. Sif and Jareth you will do the same to the south tower. You will draw their attention and their fire until Skadi and I break the chain."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Harold asks.

"Skadi has the ability control the temperature of places things. Skadi and I will take a few of our ships and plow them right into the chain, where Skadi will freeze the chain, making it brittle enough for me to break. Once it's broken, I will sound of my horn, letting the two raiding parties know we have broken the chain and they need to hold. While all of our ships move through the blockade, we will cover our heads with our shields." Vidar looked up and sighed. "Chances are, most of the people on the ships will die, having to deal with crossbow bolts on both sides, so I want each of you to fill one ship with volunteers."

"If that is everything, are we all in agreement?" Jareth asks. The rest nod and stand up to leave, while Vidar's children stay behind. Once they were alone, Jareth sat down next to Vidar. "Who do you think would try to kill Hakon?"

Vidar pulled out the snowflake ring Lova gave him. "Someone from Hedeby and someone high up in status there."

"It doesn't make sense." Valarie spoke up. "You were well loved in Hedeby. Why would someone try to kill Hakon."

"Ambition." Vidar told her. "Hedeby deals with raids from the Germanic people constantly, not to mention the growing wealth due to the raids we have been bringing them in on. England and Paris have made them richer than ever, and people will think they can do better than us now that they have more power and men. They are smart enough to know that we will win in battle and politics, so they are trying to catch us off guard. Take each of us out one by one until we are alone." Vidar looked at each of his children. "Be on guard and stick together." Vidar then stood and walked out the tent to find Ragnar.

He found the man looking over the weapons and when the man approached, Ragnar scowled at him. "Why do you allow your children to fight with us?"

"Because they are capable." Vidar said as he picked up an axe to examine it. "And I know they will be well protected. Jareth and Sif work well together, and Harold needs our alliance, so Hakon will be safe."

Ragnar shook his head and slapped a sword off the table. He was about to speak, but Ubbe and Hvitserk appeared behind Ragnar with bows in their hands. "Father?" Ubbe asks wearily and in an instant, Ragnar calmed down and turned to his sons. "Can we fight with you tomorrow?"

Ragnar closed his eyes for a beat before looking back at Vidar with another harsh glare. "You're not strong enough yet, boys." Ragnar says lightly.

"Vidar is sending his children into battle." Hvitserk pointed out.

"Vidar's children are different from us." Ragnar tells them. "I want you to stay here. I want you to protect all the food and the supplies. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes father."


"Yes? Good." Ragnar pulled them into a hug and patted their backs. "Good boys. Keep your bows close." The boys walked off and Ragnar turned to Vidar. "What did you want?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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