To the Gates

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It's been a few days since Vidar and Sif first talked to Emperor Charles in the throne room. And their stay has been peaceful and very informative. He's learned the language more and the subtle differences between the Franks view of their God, as opposed to the English views.

Sif has hated it though. They people wouldn't allow Sif near the training grounds which really annoyed the young girl. "It's not fair." She huffs as she throws herself onto the bed. "There's enough room for me to train."

"We are glorified prisoners, Sif." Vidar explains while trying not to smile at her pout. "We eat when they say, sleep when the say-"

"Shit when they say." Sif interrupted with a smile.

Vidar chuckled and nodded his head. "Exactly. But I promise. We will be home soon. Just another week until the full moon and then we can attack."

Sif groaned. "It's taking too long."

"I know." Vidar was about to offer to tell her a story when the door flew open to reveal Count Odo and a few guards.

"You liar!" The count yelled as the bells started to ring. They were attacking.

"Damn it Ragnar." Vidar huffed. "Sif get down!" He yelled to his daughter. She quickly rolled off the bed as Vidar held his hand out the window. Within seconds, his trident entered his hand. With a roar, Vidar threw the trident at the men.

Odo ducked in time, but with Vidar's strength and the sharpness of the trident, it passed through them all and embedded itself in the wall. He then grabbed the fat man named Odo and threw him out the window.

"Ok Sif lets..." He stopped talking when he saw her staring at the bodies with a blank stare. He quickly crouched down and turned her so she will look at him. "You ok little one?"

Sif actually seemed ok. Which made the god nervous. "I am father."

Vidar nodded and picked her up. "Then let's go."

He ran outside the room and down the hall, dodging the terrified people and using them as shields against the guards. "Are you going to help?"

"No." Vidar answered as he made it outside. "I need to get you out of here."


"But nothing." Vidar said as he started to run in the opposite way of the fighting. "You are my priority right now."

"But mother is there." She pointed out.

Vidar turned down an alley and looked his daughter in the eye. "Your mother will be ok. So will Bjorn. You are my priority right now, ok?"

Sif looked angry with his judgment but nodded anyway. "Ok."

"Good." He held her tightly and ran towards the east gate where it will be least defended. He was right, there were only a few guards there, so it was easy for Vidar to sneak out with his daughter. They made it to the coast and to a small rowboat, that Vidar used to get them back to camp.


The camp looked like hell on earth. Hundreds of men and women were wounded, hundreds more dead. He kept Sif's face hidden in the crook of his neck to hide her from the horrors of the blood and missing body parts. But he couldn't do anything for the screaming.

"Vidar!" He turned and saw Helga walking towards them. 

He sighed in relief. "Where is my family?"

Helga didn't answer right away but took Sif from him. "Bjorn was hurt." Vidar's blood ran cold. "He is in the other tent with Ragnar and Lagertha."

"Father?" His daughter's voice snapped him out of his shock.

He stepped towards Sif and kissed the crown of her head. "Stay with Helga. I'm going to check on your brother."

He left after that and walked towards the tent where he found Bjorn with two large holes in his back. Lagertha was watching over him alone and was too focused on her son to notice that he was there.

"Lagertha?" Vidar called out calmly. She slowly turned to him and gave him a sad smile. The smile dropped when she realized he was alone.

"Where's Sif?" She asked worriedly.

"With Helga. She's fine, just a little shaken." Vidar walks towards her and wraps an arm around his wife. "I didn't know how bad it was. I didn't want her to see this."

Lagertha nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. "They don't know if he will be ok." She reached over and ran her fingers through his blond hair.

"He'll live." Vidar says softly. "He's your son." Lagertha huffed a little laugh and moved her hand to hold her sons. "What happened? Why did you attack?"

Lagertha gritted her teeth and took a few controlled breaths before answering. "Some of the Earls thought you were taking too long. They decided to attack, and we went with them. If they all died, then we wouldn't have enough men for your plan."

Vidar sighed. "I'll take care of them later. Are you injured?"

"No." She said with a soft smile. "I'm fine, my love."

Vidar nodded and gave her a quick kiss. "I'll stay with Bjorn. Sif was worried about you."

Lagertha nodded and kissed Bjorn's cheek before leaving to find their daughter. Vidar turned to Bjorn to see him looking up at him. "I hate you."

Vidar chuckled. "May I ask why?"

"You and Ragnar." Bjorn scoffs. "Naming me 'Ironside.' Now I look like an idiot."

Vidar chuckled and held his son's hand. "Are you in pain?"

"A little. Is Sif, ok?"

"Yeah. Just worried about you and your mother. Lagertha just left to see her."  Bjorn nodded and his eyes started to droop a little. "Rest Bjorn. I won't let anything else happen to you."

Bjorn nodded and closed his eyes to sleep with a small smile on his face. Vidar stayed with his son for the rest of the night to keep him safe. But during that time, he thought of the men who attacked too early. The men who led hundreds of others into Valhalla and led his son and nearly his daughter to Odin's doorstep. Away from him.

He thought of what he was going to do to them. What would be left of them. How many Earls? What were their lands like? How easy would it be to take them?

Those were questions he would answer later. Right now, all he cared about was the safety of his son.

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