The Wanderer

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The uncle of Queen Kwenthrith was a fool. Splitting his army in half and making it impossible for the two to meet up again. A foolish choice that led to him having his head on spike.

Casualties for his and Ragnar's men were minimal. Jareth was wounded though. He was shot with an arrow that his hand. It was supposed to be minimal damage and would heal in a few weeks as long as he didn't strain it.

But it burned. It burned so much.

Jareth turned around and walked towards one of the prisoners. "You." Jareth pointed to one of the younger ones. One of the ones that smelt like piss already. "Those arrows. What did you do to them?"

The lad looked scared, and the other prisoners glared at him, so he kept his mouth shut. Jareth lost his patience and grabbed his axe. He swung down and landed a blow on one man's crotch, causing the man to scream and the rest to cower back. "What did you do!" He yelled.

"P-poison." The lad sputtered out. "We poisoned them."

Jareth's blood ran cold. He closed his eyes and went through what he felt. No fever yet, but slightly hot. Only pain is in his left hand and there was no tingle anywhere up his arm. Yet.

He could try to suck the poison out, but it's been half a day.

He left the prisoners and found Ragnar talking with Floki and Rollo. "I need you to cut my hand off." He says as he walks inside.

Rollo chuckles until he sees that he is dead serious. "What?"

"They used poison arrows." Jareth said and he lifted up his hand to show the wound. 

Floki looked terrified and walked forward to take his hand. "What do you feel?"

"It stings but it hasn't spread anywhere else." Jareth explains.

Floki nods and looks over to Ragnar. "We have to do it quick."

Rollo stood up quickly. "Are you joking. What the fuck do you think Vidar will do if take his sons arm off?"

"What do you think he would do if we let it fester and he dies?" Ragnar asks calmly. He turns to Jareth and looks him in the eye. "Are you sure about this?"

Jareth clenches his jaw and nods his head.

Ragnar sighs. "Get him some mushrooms for the pain." He walks over and places his hand on Jareth's shoulder. "I'm sorry about this." He turned to Rollo. "Get Bjorn."

Rollo nodded and ran off.

Floki handed him some mushrooms and Jareth quickly ate the mushrooms and fell into a deep sleep. There he saw his father and mother. All his little siblings and Thyri and Bjorn. He saw his Gyda, and he felt calm as she held his hand before it was taken from him.


"How many did we lose?" Vidar asks Kalf. He looked over the battlefield and saw the bodies wearing yellow armor of Mercia.

"We lost twenty-two men. They lost a hundred and fifty." Kalf reports.

Vidar nods. "Tell the men to rest. I received word from Ragnar, the prince is heading this way."

Kalf nods and goes to do as he was asked. Vidar meanwhile walks up to a hill and overlooks the vast country of Mercia. It was a beautiful land with green fields and blue river's as far as the eye can see. He hoped Kwenthrith will keep her end of the bargain.

He saw a village in the distance filled with people crowding around a building. Vidar got interested and went to grab a cloak and went down to the village to see what was going on.

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