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"It's ok." Vidar said softly while rocking his new daughter back and forth. It's been about two months since Vidar spent the night with Lagertha. And since then, he has had two daughters. One from the queen of Northumbria, he named Valarie after his sisters known as the Valkyries. And Lagertha also had a daughter that she named Sif, after the wife of Thor.

The only difference is that Ragnar believes Sif is his. Sif grew much faster and she was smaller than the rest of Vidar's children. Ragnar was slightly disappointed that Sif wasn't a boy.

Valarie was another situation entirely. The queen survived and the king proclaimed the daughter as a second coming of their lord and savior. They all thought it was another child of God. Technically they were right. Vidar and Vali had to take the child from them with the help of Heimdal who controlled the Bifrost.

It was a whole ordeal.

Now Vidar sat with his new daughter and watched his twin boys get used to walking, thanks to the help of his eldest two.

He looked down at his daughter, Valarie. She was born first and had the raven hair of both her parents, but she had her mother's sea green eyes.

Sif looked just like her mother. She was even born with beautiful long blond hair and her deep emerald eyes. He only got to hold her once so far before she was passed back to her 'father.' He's done this before with Thyri and he hated every moment of it. But he had to do it back then for her own sake.

Now it was just eating him alive. Watching his baby girl being held by a man who was disappointed that she was a girl.

So, to say that he was a bit clingy to Valarie was an understatement. The only time he put her down was to be fed and even then, she was being fed right next to her half-sister. He and Lagertha haven't talked about it. About that night. Or about how they each wanted to do it again. But they both knew.

Lagertha can't even look at him now. Vidar knows it's because of guilt. But is it guilt over that night or the fact that he can't be a father to his daughter.

Vali has been spending more time with him. Trying to distract him from Lagertha and their daughter and helping him when he can. And that help is slapping Vidar's cup of mead out of his hands each time he picks one up.

Now it's time for Uppsala. A sort of celebration to the gods that involves mushrooms that make you see things, sex, and human sacrifices to the gods. The only downside is that Vidar and Vali can't go, which both the gods think is stupid. Odin told them when they were growing up that it is for mortals to celebrate them in their own way.

This only led to Vidar and Vali trying to drug Tyr to try and take him to Uppsala to sacrifice Tyr to Tyr to see what would happen. To say Frigga was angry was an understatement. Tyr was a good sport about it and said he would have done it if they only asked.

Anyway, Vidar wasn't going. He was going to be left in charge of Kattegat while Ragnar led the people going. Vidar actually preferred this. If Ragnar was going, then Lagertha was most likely going. Meaning Vidar would most likely get to watch over Sif while they were away. That's what he preferred.

What he got was a little different.

"You're not going?" Vidar asked Lagertha.

"I feed both Sif and Valarie, so I need to." She says not looking at him.

"But you could have a milk maid feed her." Vidar says. He was afraid she would still keep Sif from him even if Ragnar was gone.

"There is not a chance that I'm going to allow a milk maid to feed our- Sif." Lagertha said with a tone of finality. "Not to mention you will be here with three little ones, you could use all the help you can get."

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now