Answers in Blood

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Vidar wished he could go back to when it was just Rollo sitting across from him. He knew how he felt about Rollo. Hate. That was easy. But sitting in front of Ragnar hurt. He felt guilt and sadness. But also, happy to see him. Ragnar was his brother by choice. And seeing him now after four years, old wounds reopened. And he could see on Ragnar's face that he is also feeling the same mix of emotions.

"You have agreed to help us." Ragnar said tensely.

"I have, under a few agreements." Vidar told him.

Ragnar nodded. "My brother told me." 

Vidar grits his teeth when he said 'my brother.' "Last I heard, Rollo betrayed you and killed One Eye. He sided with the same man who now holds your home and wants you and your family dead."

"He brought them here."

"And I housed them." Vidar said. "I could have thrown that Christian out of here. Taken his hands and dragged him back to Borg. I agreed to help under certain deals that were barley of any consequence to you."

"You fucked my wife!" Ragnar yelled.

"And you fucked Aslaug." Vidar says. "You were so disappointed when you found out Sif was a girl. I remember your face every time I look at my daughter. And then I see the look of happiness when you found out Aslaug was pregnant. And then when Ubbe was born-"

"What?" Ragnar interrupted. "How would you know what my face looked like when he was born?"

Vidar sighed and walked over to the crate in the corner of the room. He pulled out a necklace and put in on. A shimmer of light passed over his body and when he turned Ragnar saw a familiar person that wasn't Vidar.

He shot out of his chair and pointed at Vidar. "You? You were-"

"Axel. I was there when your sons were born. When Ubbe got sick I helped him get better. When you were stressed you and I went hunting." Vidar says as he takes the necklace off.

Ragnar started at him and had tears in his eyes. "You just came back whenever you wanted? You didn't tell me!?"

Vidar smiled sadly. "You were my brother, Ragnar. Did you really think I wouldn't be there for you?"

Ragnar roared in rage and pushed Vidar up against the wall. He was about to hit him when he stopped and looked into Vidars eyes. Vidar had no idea what was going through Ragnar's head, but he lowered his fist and Ragnar pulled him into a hug.


"Jarl Borg is dug in deep." Torstein says. 

"We want to drive him out of Kattegat." Vidar says while looking around the table. He and Ragnar sat next to each other. Then he saw Lagertha, Rollo, Gunnhild, Knox, Bjorn, Jareth, and the rest of the warband. "He doesn't know that you are here or have the troops of Hedeby or Jelling with you."

"Why would he want to leave Kattegat, where he can winter in safety?" Bjorn asks.

"He can winter there safely, but not with a full stomach." Vidar says. "Ragnar, Jareth, Bjorn, and I will sneak in at night and destroy the winter grain stores." He looks to Ragnar and smirks. "A father son bonding trip."


Vidar smirked up to the sky towards the full moon. "Wait for the signal and then move forward." Vidar tells the other three.

"What's the signal?!" Ragnar whisper yells only to be ignored.

Vidar sneaks into the town and climbs the long house to look over everyone and everything. He rose to his feet and closed his eyes. He could feel the water from the coast calling out to him, just waiting for a command from him. He raised his arms high into the air before opening his eyes that were now glowing blue.

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsWhere stories live. Discover now