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The cold winters bite nipped at Vidar at every opportunity. Snow covered the grounds of Jelling, making it a struggle to even move outside. Vidar and his family stayed inside most of the time, except for Skadi who enjoyed the snow and cold. Before the snow started to fall, Vidar sailed to Kattegat and bought the slave girl Skadi was speaking to, Yidu.

Vidar could see why Skadi was enamored by the girl. She had an exotic beauty around her which made Vidar curious about the place she came from. Vidar freed her and only asked her to teach him and his children about her homeland and their way of life.

During this time, Vidar and Lagertha spent as much time together as possible. Now that she knew Vidar would be leaving, sooner rather than later, they both made sure their home was safe when he was gone.

This included Hakon taking on a much bigger role in Vidar's court. As his heir, Hakon must be well rounded in many different things. He must be able to fight, which wasn't a problem since he excelled in that already. Have the wisdom to know what he doesn't know, which is a problem for him. And then there is responsibility, not only for his family as a prince. And for his case, creating alliances.

"Fuck no." Hakon said defiantly. Vidar chuckled and only twirled his cup of mead around in his hand. "Why must you set a match for me? Skadi got to choose."

"I am not planning to marry Yidu, brother." Skadi told him. The albino was smiling widely at his twin's misfortune.

"Bull shit." Hakon whirled around on Skadi. "I caught you two in the garden."

"Doing what?" Lagertha asked, her voice almost a growl. Vidar was taking great pleasure in all of this. Lagertha dreaded the day she had to see her little babies married off, but the thing was that they would be staying in Jelling. Vidar found it much harder to find matches for his daughters since he scared off most of the suitors.

"We weren't doing anything!" Skadi yelled.

"Your tongue was halfway down her throat!" Hakon yelled back.

"Better his tongue then his-" Vidar sent Sif a shut-up look but she only smiled sweetly at him, making him roll his eyes.

"It is only a betrothal, Hakon." Vidar spoke up. "And I am inviting multiple women here so you can speak with them and choose. As for Yidu, if Skadi does wish to marry her, then I will expect a trade deal out of it." He sent Skadi a look which made the boy blush a little.

Hakon sighed and turned to his mother, giving her a look akin to a puppy. Lagertha turned to Vidar, hoping to change his decision but his mind was set. "I... agree with your father, Hakon."

Hakon groaned and looked up at the ceiling. "I get to choose?"

"Yes." Vidar answered.

"And you won't try to persuade me towards one girl or the other?" Hakon raised a brow and Vidar rolled his eyes.

"I won't even speak to you for a week." Vidar offered. "Save me the fucking headache." Hakon threw an apple at Vidar which bounced off his forehead and onto his plate. "A joke." Vidar said once he saw Lagertha glare at him. "Hakon, with me leaving I need to make sure everyone is safe. You marrying a daughter of a jarl or earl will help with that. More swords, another voice to side with you if you have a disagreement with another holdfast, not to mention you will find great happiness in a wife of your own choosing."

Hakon nodded slowly and stood straighter with a proud stance. "When will they be here?"

"After Yol they will be for Yol." Vidar said, making Hakon's eyes widen.

Vidar the God of the Seas ~ VikingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora